November 2006
FilmLoop: Create photo slideshows, Share, View
by MogorePour avoir un slideshow au dessus de son blog
October 2006
Welcome to | Your source for swapping paperback books for FREE!
by Mogore & 1 otherEchange de livres sans argent
September 2006
Huckabuck search interface
by Mogore & 7 othersInterface de moteur de recherche un peu personnalisable
August 2006 : Resume Design | Resume Management | Resume Improvements
by Mogore & 9 othersPour faire son CV
July 2006 beta | About
by MogorePour se créer des picto-icones personnalisés (outil Shockwave et vectoriel) pour après les utiliser sur les forums, etc...
May 2006
March 2006
Remember The Milk
by sbrothierRemember The Milk is the easiest and best way to manage your to-do lists online. Here are just a few of the reasons why it's so cool
December 2005
Web 2.0 vs. Autofellatio: a comparison study
by sbrothier & 2 othersWeb 2.0 and autofellatio are practically the same damn thing
(15 marks)