September 2006
August 2006
Western Wind Energy Viral Video Contest : Oil sucks, Wind blows !
by sbrothier (via)We all know that oil sucks, and everybody knows that the wind blows. Show us what "Wind Blows" means to you and you can win 10 large!
December 2005
Magenn Power Inc. - Home
by sbrothier & 1 otherThe Magenn Power Air Rotor System (MARS) is an innovative lighter-than-air tethered device that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind, efficiently generating clean renewable electrical energy at a lower cost than all competing systems.
October 2005
September 2005
by sbrothier & 1 otherThe Windsave® product has been created to provide an environmentally-friendly, low-cost source of sustainable energy, providing an opportunity for every property in Britain to play a part in "the Green Revolution". Many people have the desire to protect the environment, but our challenge has been to turn that desire into action. By developing micro-wind generation technology, our towns, cities and rural communities now have the potential to become important contributors to the country's overall energy requirements, rather than just mere consumers.
Wind & Solar Energy Installation guides
by sbrothierInstalling clean energy requires a general understanding of the equipment, costs, and approvals required for each clean energy technology. Here we provide a variety of guides from the Trust and our affiliates to help you decide whether and how to install solar and wind, navigate approvals and interconnection processes, and purchase green electricity.
Wind Power
by sbrothierWind power can be an excellent complement to a solar power system. Here in Colorado, when the sun isn't shining, the wind is usually blowing. Wind power is especially helpful here in the winter to capture both the ferocious and gentle mountain winds during the times of least sunlight and highest power use. In most locations (including here) wind is not suitable as the ONLY source of power--it simply fills in the gaps left by solar power quite nicely.
August 2005
European manufacturers of small wind generators
by sbrothiera 42 manufacturers list provide by EWEA, The european Wind Energy Association
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
by sbrothier (via)EWEA is the voice of the wind industry - promoting the best interest of the sector in Europe and worldwide.
May 2005
Alternative Energy Blog -
by sbrothier & 3 othersalternative energy blog - news, views and strong opinions on alternate energy resources including wind power, solar power, wave power, geothermal & other renewable energy sources + news on other energy issues including peak oil, strong hybrid cars [PHEVs], hydrogen fuel cells, "clean" coal & nuclear power
March 2005
Southwest Windpower
by sbrothierIt was 1987 when David Calley and Andy Kruse had an idea to build a company around a small 300 watt wind generator David had developed.
(12 marks)