September 2006
Once Upon a Time: Lessons for Teaching About Fables, Fairy Tales, Folktales, Legends, Myths, Tall Tales
by knannFables, fairy tales, folktales, legends, myths, and tall tales -- six literary genres that engage student interest -- can be used in the classroom to inspire creative thinking and writing. This week, Education World offers five lessons to introduce students to the literary genres -- and to their own imagination! Included: Graphic organizers, student work sheets, more!
July 2005
Project Interactivate for Elementary Math Topics
by knannActivities from Project Interactivate can be used to explore the topics covered in elementary grades 3-5 mathematics. The lesson ideas are still a work in progress but all of the activities are aligned with suggested grade levels.
Energy Info Zone
by knannExplore how energy powers every aspect of your life, where it comes from and how the planet is coping. Teacher resources at
(3 marks)