public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag license:cc


Yotophoto | Find free photos... fast!

by fredbird & 131 others
Search for free-to-use images. Yotophoto is now indexing well over a quarter million Creative Commons, Public Domain, GNU FDL, and various other 'copyleft' images.

stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site

by fredbird & 161 others
Whether you just want to browse our huge image gallery or want to share your personal photos with others, this is the site for you! Browse through the categories of our huge gallery containing over 250.000 quality stock photos by more than 25.000 photographers! Need a wallpaper for your desktop? Need a pic for your commercial website design? Looking for inspiration? Have a look around. Share your photos with fellow designers! SXC is a friendly community of photography addicts who generously offer their works to the public free of charge. If you have some nice photos that you'd like to share with others, join us!


Thunderbird 1.5 - Livre Libre - FramaBook

by fredbird & 8 others
Ce livre est un manuel complet pour découvrir et utiliser le logiciel libre Thunderbird. Sous licence libre et traitant de la dernière version du logiciel, il contient plus de 300 pages et 150 copies d'écran.


Cause Commune

by fredbird & 2 others
Dans cet ouvrage, Philippe Aigrain analyse les causes et les origines d’une situation paradoxale et les tensions qu’elle suscite. Il propose une politique qui remette les êtres humains aux commandes de ces transformations. | Getting browser language settings with PHP

by fredbird
So, you run a multilingual web site with PHP and you want to serve the reader's choice language if available. No problem, HTTP carries user's language settings within Accept Language instruction, you just have to parse it. Here is a sample function


by fredbird & 1 other
This is an in-progress collection of AJAX patterns

Some ideas to improve tags use in social software

by fredbird & 2 others
Where categories are managed by specialists in order to achieve the best classification, tags are users rough approximation of classification for a practical use. Here is a small proposal to improve flat hierarchy efficiency by patching it with some bits of categorization, while keeping the tags theirselves simple and natural...

Accueil - Wikimedia Commons

by fredbird & 12 others (via)
Ce projet est destiné à constituer un conservatoire central de contenus libres, comprenant des images, de la musique, des textes écrits et parlés, pour être utilisés dans tous les projets Wikimedia.


by fredbird & 1 other
Un blog sur les TIC, l'ethique, la démocratie, le web...

Cannibal Caniche

by fredbird & 6 others
radio web diffusant des morceaux libres de droits

chez Reno, pixel en gros: l'échiquier de Machiavel , petit atelier bricolage.

by fredbird
Des pions pour les echecs de machiavel, jeu de plateau libre de droits

ChangeThis :: ChangeThis

by fredbird & 14 others
web site publishing various manifestos in PDF format

Welcome to

by fredbird
a content management system for the enterprise

Active users

last mark : 10/07/2007 10:21

last mark : 18/05/2005 14:18