How do I manually track clicks on outbound links? | google.com
by simon_bricoloGoogle Analytics provides an easy way to track clicks on links that lead away from your site. Because these links do not lead to a page on your site containing the UTM JavaScript, you will need to tag the link itself. This piece of JavaScript assigns a pageview to any click on a link - the pageview is attributed to the filename you specify.
11 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Being Linked to By a Blogger | problogger.net
by simon_bricoloConseils pour qu'un bloggeur parle de vous/votre site
Should Links Open In New Windows? | smashingmagazine.com
by simon_bricolo & 2 othersarguments contre l'ouverture automatique d'un lien dans une nouvelle fenêtre/onglet
OmniGraffle Prototypes | urlgreyhot.com
by simon_bricolo & 2 otherscréer des liens entre les pages dans Omnigraffle (liens fonctionnant ensuite dans l'export pdf)
wwwtools for teachers:Tags, Folksonomies and Social Bookmarking.
by ycc2106 & 2 othersResource and links about Tags, Folksonomies and Social Bookmarking.
(15 marks)