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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & clevermarks


Puppet versus Chef: 10 reasons why Puppet wins | Bitfield Consulting

by holyver
Puppet, Chef, cfengine, and Bcfg2 are all players in the configuration management space. If you’re looking for Linux automation solutions, or server configuration management tools, the two technologies you’re most likely to come across are Puppet and Opscode Chef. They are broadly similar in architecture and solve the same kinds of problems. Puppet, from Reductive Labs, has been around longer, and has a large user base. Chef, from Opscode, has learned some of the lessons from Puppet’s development, and has a high-profile client: EngineYard.


SparkleShare, un Dropbox en logiciel libre

by nhoizey
Disponible d'abord sur Linux, puis ultérieurement sur Mac OS X et Windows, SparkleShare permet d'installer son propre serveur en remplacement de Dropbox, et est basé notamment sur Git.

BitNami :: MAMPStack

by nhoizey
"BitNami MAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies."

Boks - A Visual Grid Editor - TOKI WOKI.

by nhoizey
"Boks is an AIR application that provides a User Interface for Blueprint CSS's framework. It's been designed for those who think the Grid System is good but never really took the time to give it love."


How to Run Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu Linux 8.10 | ProgrammerFish - Everything that's programmed!

by claire_
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a nice, clean installation of Microsoft’s Office 2007 Suite to run on your Ubuntu Linux Distribution? For some people, this is the only thing that truly holds them back from an all-Linux environment… But not anymore! We have compiled a nice, concise set of instructions to help guide you along.

2008 - Falcon Repository Manager

by mbertier
f you want to distribute source and/or binary packages for Ubuntu or any other distribution using .deb packages, Falcon is the tool for you. Creating a simple repository takes almost no configuration, you can get started in a matter of minutes. But Falcon also allows you to support the more advanced functionality in APT, such as integrating your packages with the excellent app-install system or support for apt-file, allowing people to search for files in your repository without installing packages


Les députés bientôt dotés de logiciels libres -

by nhoizey (via)
Les postes micro-informatiques des députés seront dotés de logiciels libres à compter de la prochaine législature, a annoncé mercredi la division de la presse de l'Assemblée nationale. Cette décision a été prise à la suite d'une étude lancée par le président de l'Assemblée nationale Jean-Louis Debré, saisi par de nombreux députés qui souhaitaient voir les pouvoirs publics recourir plus largement aux logiciels libres. Les députés auront à leur disposition le système d'exploitation Linux, la suite bureautique Open Office, le navigateur internet Firefox. - voir son site sous Linux

by nhoizey & 17 others vous propose d'effectuer en quelques secondes des captures d'écran de vos pages Web consultées sous Linux avec Firefox, Konqueror, Opera ou Dillo. Vous pouvez aussi vérifier l'affichage généré par les navigateurs en mode texte Lynx et Links.

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last mark : 24/12/2011 01:35

last mark : 14/06/2010 08:59

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last mark : 13/03/2008 11:55