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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & disk


How To Measure Linux Filesystem I/O Performance With iozone

by camel
User contributed tutorial written by Ramesh Natarajan. Following are few situations where you may be interested in performing a filesystem benchmarking. => Deploying a new application that is very read and write intensive. => Purchased a new storage system and would like to measure the performance. => Changing the RAID level and would like to measure the performance of the new RAID. => Changing the storage parameters and would like to know the performance impact of this change

Using ATA Over Ethernet On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 2 others (via)
Imagine you have a machine with all of its disk full and another with unused gigabytes, and you don't want to move the data from one to the other. Why not using the second's disk on the first, you can do it with iSCSI but you can do it with ATA over Ethernet (AoE) too. It's the second method I'll explain in this article. All of this was made with two computers running Debian Etch.


❤️ 🛠 TESTDISK - Category : Data Recovery - CGSecurity

by decembre
150 articles in this category..... Serie de liens sur la Récupération de Données , logiciels, technique, sythem d'exploitations et d'aides....etc.... Une mine d'or!

KDirStat : graphical disk usage utility

by clochix
KDirStat is a graphical disk usage utility, very much like the Unix "du" command. In addition to that, it comes with some cleanup facilities to reclaim disk space. While KDirStat is a KDE program, it runs fine on every X11 desktop, i.e., it runs on Linux, BSD, and lots of other Unix-type systems (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, ...).

GD Map - A tool to visualize disk space

by clochix
GdMap is a tool which allows to visualize disk space.


Two Ells » Adding a hard drive to a Ubuntu Linux box

by springnet
dit /etc/fstab and add the following line to the end (again, substituting the drive identifier and directory the disk should be mounted on in columns one and two):/dev/hdb1 /bak ext3 defaults 0 0 sudo mount /bak


by erl1 & 6 others
A linux program to create images of partitions

MRTG Configuration in Debian Linux

by david23
Configring MRTG monitoring system in debian linux

Monitoring Servers and Clients using Munin in Debian Linux

by david23
This is very easy monitoring system for all your servers and client machines.This will monitor you servers and client hard disk space,processes,cpu load,disk activity and many more applications support

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