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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & help


chmc | Free Development software downloads at

by sylvainulg (via)
chm document generation by doxygen doesn't work out-of-the-box : it needs a .chm compiler. This could be an interesting alternative to the use of (MS) hhc.exe over wine


❤️ 🛠 TESTDISK - Category : Data Recovery - CGSecurity

by decembre
150 articles in this category..... Serie de liens sur la Récupération de Données , logiciels, technique, sythem d'exploitations et d'aides....etc.... Une mine d'or!

by jagtech & 9 others (via)
Welcome to, a friendly and active Linux Community.



by olahandras78
MAgyarul, bár kicsit régi leírás a WINe-hoz.

CHMOD szám - eredmény átváltó

by olahandras78
Ezzel lehet megnézni, hogy egy CHMOD szám milyen rwx-rwx-rwx kombinációt takar!!! rwxr-xr-- 111101100=754

Cdrecord - HupWiki

by olahandras78
a cdrekord baszkurációi


by olahandras78
Nagyon jó alapozó help a linuxól, bár régi (2005ös), de akkor is...

DapperCust - Ubuntu Document Storage Facility

by olahandras78
sok-sok leírás ubuntuhoz, érdemes átnézni néha

tar --exclude --exclude-from -

by olahandras78
Want to do a recursive gzipped tar backup of the whole filesystem from / (root) upwards. Then I want to tar incremental changes. The aim is to take an occasional full backup, and then take regular small snapshots of changes and lift them over the networ

GNU tar 1.15.1: problems with exclude

by olahandras78
2. szintű infó, akár kipróbálható excludálási problémára -- Telling tar Which Files to Exclude or Include

by olahandras78
Bonyolultabb leírás tarral történő be is kitömörítésről...ez már legalább 3. szintű linux :)

GNU GRUB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by olahandras78
# The BIOS finds a bootable device (hard disk) and transfers control to the master boot record (MBR, the first 512 bytes of the hard disk). # The MBR contains GRUB stage 1. Given the small size of the MBR, Stage 1 does little more than load the next stag


by olahandras78
Common Commands, kdesudo program, amit rootként akarok futtatni (néha kellhetí), célszerű a run paranccsal (( ))

Root és Sudo

by olahandras78
Leírás (pl. hogy a sudo 15 percig érvényes...)

Directories and File Systems

by olahandras78
Mi mi a Linuxban!!! frankón hasznos

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag linux

apache +   cat +   command +   edit +   editor +   file +   merge +   opensource +   pdf +   software +   split +   tar +   tutoriel +   wget +  

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