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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & partition


EASEUS Partition Master 3.5 Home Edition

by sdaclin & 3 others
Logiciel de partitionnement sous windows gratuit pour un usage privé. A priori c'est une excellente alternative au payant PG Magic.


Utilisation de LVM

by sdaclin
Les étapes de configuration d'une conf LVM

Main Page - Partimage

by jdrsantos & 6 others
Partimage is a Linux utility which saves partitions having a supported filesystem to an image file. Most Linux and Windows filesystems are supported. The image file can be compressed with the gzip / bzip2 programs to save disk space, and they can be split

Parted Magic

by jdrsantos & 2 others
Parted Magic is a Linux LiveCD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives.


How to convert your debian partition to a software raid 1 on the fly

by lecyborg
The system is equipped with 2 similar hard disks (they do not have to be the same but it helps if they are at least similar). The first disk is attached to the primary IDE as master, it will be referenced as /dev/hda. The second disk is attached to the secondary IDE also as master, it will be referenced as /dev/hdc.

Create DomU

by lecyborg
Creating a Virtual Server - domU There are 3 options of what to run DomU on: 1. File Based Image 2. LVM Based 3. Physical Partition 1. A file based image is the quickest to setup, however has poor/terrible IO performance. The virtual server is limited to the initial size of the image created also. The file based Image can however be easily mounted in a rescue system, and easily backed-up. 2. LVM for domU is the industry standard. After the initial setup of LVM, as described here, it is a dream to manage. LVM partitions can be resized afterwards!!! Due to this "resizing" capability and flexibility, its use for Xen Virtual Servers is ideal. They also have much better IO performance than file-based. I dont know about mounting these partitions however in a rescue system. Something to try out... -). 3. Physical Partitions have the best IO, but are difficult to alter and inflexible.

❤️ 🛠 TESTDISK - Category : Data Recovery - CGSecurity

by decembre
150 articles in this category..... Serie de liens sur la Récupération de Données , logiciels, technique, sythem d'exploitations et d'aides....etc.... Une mine d'or!

GParted -- Welcome

by jdrsantos & 10 others
GParted is the Gnome Partition Editor application.

Jamyy's Weblog: 復原 Windows MBR 的各種方式

by realmip
玩 Linux 最常見的方式就是切 Partition 做多重開機, 讓 GRUB 寫入 MBR 做開機選單. 但是若不小心把 Linux Partition 刪掉了, 或是哪天不想玩 Linux 了, 想恢復為 Windows 單一作業環境的時候, 就得把 Windows Pre-Boot 程式寫回 MBR 的前 446 Bytes 喔!

LinuxTOY » Parted Magic-Linux 中的分区魔术师

by realmip
值得一提的是,Parted Magic 基于 GParted LiveCD 项目,并在此基础上做了一定的工作。

Modify Your Partitions With GParted Without Losing Data

by lecyborg & 3 others
Comment modifier de manière graphique ses partitions Windows et/ou Linux sans perdre de donnée, en utilisant un logiciel libre.

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