January 2007
The Myth of open source desktop
by fredbird (via)According to an old saying, the military always fights the last war. In World War I, both sides were relying on tactics that were obsoleted by the invention of the machine gun. In World War II, the French didn’t factor in the development of the bomber. In Vietnam, the American military tried to apply blitzkrieg-like tactics to a guerilla war.
The Free Software community has a similar problem. Recent years have all begun with people asking, "Is this the year of the open source desktop?" (Or sometimes the Linux desktop if the journalist in question doesn’t actually know what Linux is.) The correct answer to this question is "who cares?"
October 2006
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
by fredbirdWhile people have talked about collective intelligence for decades, new communication technologies—especially the Internet—now allow huge numbers of people all over the planet to work together in new ways. The recent successes of systems like Google and Wikipedia suggest that the time is now ripe for many more such systems, and the goal of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence is to understand how to take advantage of these possibilities.
Our basic research question is: How can people and computers be connected so that—collectively—they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers have ever done before?
With its combination of expertise in computer science, brain sciences, and management, MIT is uniquely suited to address this question. We hope this work will lead to new scientific understanding in a variety of disciplines and practical advances in many areas of business and society.
by fredbirdJe suis l'auteur du noyau générique webAppKit, et du quizz en ligne collaboratif quizzGeek. Chacun de ces deux projets a déjà son propre blog, donc je parlerai surtout ici de choses plus générales, dont quelques librairies génériques sur lesquelles ils s'appuient; et que j'ai également la plupart du temps commises.
August 2006
Is free software “communist”? Maybe yes... | Free Software Magazine
by fredbirdSo rather than react as some have done with a knee-jerk “no it’s not!”, I propose to accept the label and see where that insight takes us. Maybe there is something communist about free software? I think we will see, however, that the idea behind free software is far more radical: no less “communist” than “capitalist”, but no more so, either.
January 2006
BerliOS - The Open Source Mediator
by fredbirdThe goal of BerliOS is to provide support for different interest groups in the area of Open Source Software (OSS). Our aim is to fulfil a neutral mediator function. The target groups of BerliOS are on one hand the developers and users of Open Source Software and on the other hand commercial manufacturers of OSS operating systems and applications as well as support companies.
February 2005
Framasoft - Logiciels Libres
by fredbird & 8 othersUn annuaire de logiciels libres : linux , windows. Et des tutoriels...
(6 marks)