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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mail & script


Crypter une adresse email

by p.fassier & 4 others
Coder les adresses email sur les pages web pour qu'elles soient indétectables par les logiciels d'extraction



Tentakel to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX Servers

by camel
Many times, you want to execute a command not only on one server, but also on several servers. For example, find out * Version of kernel * Version of Apache web server * Update static html or images files on all web servers via rsync * Find out user information, server information, memory usage etc * Security/patch checking tentakel I have already covered how to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX servers via shell script. The disadvantage of script is commands do not run in parallel on all servers. However, several tools exist to automate this procedure in parallel. With the help of tool called tentakel, you run distributed command execution. It is a program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel using ssh (it supports other methods too). Main advantage is you can create several sets of servers according requirements. For example webserver group, mail server group, home servers group etc. The command is executed in parallel on all servers in this group (time saving). By default, every result is printed to stdout (screen). The output format can be defined for each group.

ImapSync: migrer un compte imap vers un autre

by camel
ImapSync est un script qui permet de copier de manière incrémentale et récursive un compte mail depuis un serveur vers un autre, à l’aide du protocole IMAP. L’intérêt de cet outil est qu’il ne copie que les mails qui n’existent pas encore sur le serveur de destination, rendant la migration beaucoup plus rapide qu’avec d’autres méthodes, en particulier si la migration s’interrompt en plein milieu: avec ImapSync, la migration continuera la où tu t’en étais arrêté. On notera que cet outil préserve de plus le statut de chaque message (lu, non lu, supprimé). Enfin, chaque message copié peut au choix être supprimé de la boite d’origine ou non. Autrement dit, cet outil peut être utilisé aussi bien pour synchroniser un compte mail avec un autre, que pour migrer un compte mail.

2006 - Open a mailing list Mail message on

by nhoizey
I like to bookmark interesting or useful threads on mailing lists I subscribe to in the web archive of the HTTP - NNTP - mailing list gateway, so I wrote this simple Apple script to extract the Message-ID of the selected email and open it in in my default browser

Mail Scripts

by nhoizey
MacOS X's Mail and Address Book have large AppleScript dictionaries which allow almost every aspect of these programs to be scripted. Since some features are rather cumbersome in the standard implementation, I decided to write some scripts to ease workflow. I started writing the scripts after the release of MacOS X 10.2 (Jaguar) and made several improvements and additions over time. After the release of MacOS X 10.3 (Panther) all scripts have been completely rewritten as AppleScript Studio applications allowing for many additional features.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mail

apple +   archive +   blog +   certificate +   design +   digital +   email +   generation +   gmail +   html +   image +   key +   multiple +   php +   private +   public +   signature +   Signatures +   thawte +   tool +  

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