February 2006
December 2005
[squeak-dev] - [email protected] - The Squeak-dev Archives
by macroronDiscussion of Squeak, an implementation of the Smalltalk development environment.
[squeak-dev] - [email protected] - Gmane - skin=zawodny
by macroronDiscussion of Squeak, an implementation of the Smalltalk development environment.
KDE-India Mailing List Reader Blog Skin - toread*
by macroronGmane -- Mail To News And Back Again - mailing-list-archive-readers
Gmane KDE-India Mailing List Reader Front Index
by macroronGmane -- Mail To News And Back Again - mailing-list-archive-readers
November 2005
Vita Nuova: Provider of grid, distributed and embedded systems solutions - Software Download
by macroronPlan 9 An advanced multi-user network operating system - Inferno A compact operating system for building cross-platform distributed systems.
Vita Nuova - Mailing Lists & links to other Resources
by macroronPlan 9 An advanced multi-user network operating system - Inferno A compact operating system for building cross-platform distributed systems.
Discussion about the Inferno operating system and the Limbo programming language
by macroronGmane - Mail To News And Back Again. - mailing-list-archive-reader - Inferno A compact operating system for building cross-platform distributed systems - Plan 9 An advanced multi-user network operating system.
October 2005
[delicious-discuss] mailing list
by macroron[email protected] - discussion list for del.icio.us users.
mozdev.org Mailing Lists
by macrorona listing of all the public mailing lists on mozdev.org. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription.
[squeak-dev] - [email protected]
by macrorondiscussion of squeak, an implementation of the smalltalk development environment
September 2005
activestate programmer network - home
by macroronfeatures free access to valuable programming resources for perl, python, php, tcl, and xslt.
July 2005
(20 marks)