public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags math & mslc

June 2008 ::

by knann
Math and science interactive learning modules with audio

April 2008

Kids Math Games

by knann
Great page of math games focusing on math facts, counting,patterns, geometry,measuring,and more. Teachers look for the link "Click Here" see see activity descriptions.

February 2008

September 2007

Math Slice!

by knann
Online interactive math games and challenges. Teachers can generate worksheets and print as a PDF for saving.

June 2007

Courses: School Education

by knann
Learn, Create and Collaborate Create your own content. Share educational resources. Collaborate with colleagues.

Math Presentations

by knann
Tons of PowerPoints ready for you to use in your K-5 or 6-12 Math class. Other subjects also available.

April 2007

March 2007

Calendar Problems

by knann
This worksheet presents a single calendar and asks the student questions that require reading individual word problems, consulting the calendar and performing basic math operations.

January 2007

Middle School Math Technology Resources and Ideas

by knann (via)
The matrices are a series of online tables of electronic and technology resources supporting California middle school math content standards for grades 6, 7 and Algebra 1. The resources align to the two California state-adopted middle school textbook series of McDougall-Littell and Prentice Hall. The Grade 6 matrix also aligns to Harcourt and Scott Foresman. Search by strand and then math concept to find some great resources and ideas!

Video Resources for Middle School Math

by knann
List of specific video resources for middle school math that can be used for differentiation.

Grade 6 Mathematics

by knann (via)
Outstanding resource from Learn Alberta. Twenty one lessons for key concepts in math for grade 6, overview of problem solving strategies, a glossary, and activities for reinforcing number facts (operations) via various strategies. Use of animation video and sound make this an engaging site for students.

December 2006

mathslinks' bookmarks on

by knann & 1 other
Excellent collections of math links with very organized sets of tags...Everything is easy to find.

Area and Perimeter

by knann (via)
Excellent for learning area and perimeter

November 2006

Sargent Park Math Zone

by knann (via)
Grade 8 math teacher using a blog as a homework site and enrichment center, He uses a variety of Web 2.0 tools to support student learning in math. Students take turns as scribes responsible for posting to the blog.

October 2006


by knann
Mathcasts can Help students learn & review math. Help teachers collaborate & improve their teaching. Help parents help their children and enable them to see examples of their childrens' work. was created to give students a library of math tutorials and problem solutions and to give teachers a place to share their methods for teaching & learn from others. It's also a place where students & teachers can contribute and organize sets of movies for others or themselves to use.

September 2006

Math Mnemonics Archive

by knann
Mnemonic: n. A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering. Provides a list of Memory aids for math formulas, concepts, operations, and more.

May 2006

Clara Fraction's Ice Cream Shop

by knann (via)
Skills: Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. Object: Sell as many ice cream cones as possible in three minutes by converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

Tony Fraction Pizza Game

by knann (via)
Can you fill the customer's order with the right amount of toppings? Choose the Pizza size for the order then add your toppings. Click send to finish!

December 2005

ClassZone - Math Thematics Book 3

by knann
Web site for Grade 8 math. Includes e-tutorials

Mathmatical Toolkit

by knann
In collaboration with Intel and The Mathematical Association, the Mathematical Toolkit and Number line have been designed specifically to support the teaching and learning of mathematics for

November 2005

Fraction Pairs

by knann & 1 other
Match fractions, decimals, and more in this electronic card game.

Builder Ted

by knann
Help Ted fix the leaky roof by placing the bricks (decimals) in numerical order.

Saloon Snap

by knann (via)
Try your hand at matching fractions with decimals and percent. Click the bell when you see a match.....better be fast!

Up to One

by knann (via)
Type the fraction which when added to the other two fractions brings the total to one whole. Paper and pencil may be needed. Click the refresh button to get a new problem.

Visual Fractions

by knann (via)
A tutorial that models fractions with number lines or circles.

Active users

last mark : 20/06/2008 13:27