March 2007
The Rising Power of Social Meida Optimization
by arteworks & 1 other (via)Defines key terms in social media and explains how it can be used for search engine optimization purposes.
October 2006
March 2006
February 2006
Moworks DMS Search
by ycc2106iTunes | MSN Music | Wal Mart Music Downloads | Bleep | HMV Digital | Amazon Music Downloads | Y Music
TiVo Home Media Engine SDK
by metropolHME is TiVo痴 powerful new open platform for applications that are displayed and controlled by broadband-connected TiVo Series2 DVRs. HME applications are written using the Java programming language and can run on home PCs or remote servers hosted by TiVo. At this time, HME applications cannot control any of the TiVo DVR痴 scheduling, recording, or video playback capabilities.
(5 marks)