public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags music & fromDel

May 2006

April 2006

January 2006

iWire! Broadcast : Internet Radio, Search for audio and video files anywhere on the Internet

by mikepower
iWire! Broadcast is the ultimate Internet audio browser, far exceeding what other media players bring to the table. Browse over 10,000 live radio stations from all cultures and musical genres. Find radio shows, educational broadcasts, and enough tunes

December 2005

January 2005

You Can't Be Too Thin - The skinny new audio format that will replace MP3s—and revolutionize Internet radio. By Paul Boutin

by mikepower
aacPlus sounds nearly as good as a CD, even when it's compressed enough to play through a dialup line. Don't take my word for it—see the results of the European Broadcasting Union's listener tests, in which aacPlus was deemed the "clear winner" at a di

The 50 moments that shaped pop history

by mikepower
Rock'n'roll has come a long way in the half-century since Elvis first stepped up to the microphone at Sun Studios. Here we choose 50 moments that shaped popular musical history - and in the process changed our lives

December 2004

Lists of Bests. A one-stop shop to find all the "best of" books, music, and movie lists.

by mikepower & 1 other
We're also providing a way for you to keep track of the books you've read, the CDs you've listened to, and the movies you've watched from the lists.

November 2004

Active users

last mark : 19/05/2006 21:27