public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags my-install-notes & linux-help

February 2006

The complete guide to using Gmail with Thunderbird, Mozilla Mail, Evolution, and Kmail - Linux Forums

by macroron
how to set up a gmail account in Thunderbird, Mozilla mail, Evolution and Kmail. This tutorial is meant to help out anyone, especially a noob such as myself, so it's in for dummies language.

QTParted - linux partitions

by macroron
bootable Linux distribution that comes in the form of a CD or DVD can be a lifesaver when your computer goes awry. In this feature, we guide you through the process of fixing Windows with Knoppix, which includes resizing Windows partitions, solving key sy

January 2006

Effective Partitioning - The How and Why of it

by macroron & 1 other
I run 4 OSes on my machine. Them being Windows XP, FreeBSD, Ubuntu Breezy and Gentoo Linux. For the curious ones, my hard disk is partitioned as follows :

PCLinux Live CD Article

by macroron
If you're like me, you get frustrated on a daily basis with your XP box. I hate to see people slow themselves down with spyware, adware, and virus' so I have decided to share my secrets to speeding up your Windows XP Computer!

October 2005

Tips of the IceBurg - FedoraNEWS.ORG

by macroron
This is the place to look for tips on Linux. About the little things that you never thought about asking for.

configuring linux: a basic guide -

by macroron
a basic article on how to configure linux so that it will run your webserver, telnet, ftp, mysql etc.

September 2005

July 2005

beginner help page - home

by macroron
assistance for linux beginners - essential commands - installing & configuring

Active users

last mark : 13/02/2006 00:14