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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mysql & architecture


Why does Quora use MySQL rather than NoSQLs?

by nhoizey
"The primary online data store for an application is the worst place to take a risk with new technology. If you lose your database or there's corruption, it's a disaster that could be impossible to recover from."



Comment bien gérer la montée en charge d’une application web ? | Simple Entrepreneur

by nhoizey & 2 others
Voici quelques pistes qui seront particulièrement utiles à ceux qui développent une application dans un environnement LAMP (Linux, Apache, Php et MySql) ou RoR (Ruby On Rails). Il s’agit en fait des retours d’expérience de sites comme Flickr, Digg


Database parallelism choices greatly impact scalability - The Database Column

by nhoizey & 1 other
Large databases require the use of parallel computing resources to get good performance. There are several fundamentally different parallel architectures in use today

Database replication lag | Dries Buytaert

by Xavier Lacot
Consider the following pseudo-code: $nid = node_save($data); $node = node_load($nid); Because node_save() executes a mutator query (an INSERT or UPDATE statement) is has to be executed on the master, so the master can propagate the changes to the slaves. Because node_load() uses a read-only query, it can go to the master or any of the available slaves. Because of the lack of synchronization between master and slaves, there is one obvious caveat: when we execute node_load() the slaves might not have been updated.


KarKomaOnline - Implementing High Availability in MySQL

by holyver & 2 others (via)
MySQL provides a built-in data replication functionality for maintaining identical copies of its data to one or more backend servers, thus providing a simple High Availability mechanism. On the other hand, the Open Source community has several projects to implement failover techniques, being one of them Heartbeat. This article will show you how to implement a clustered, highly available and inexpensive solution based on GNU/Linux and combining MySQL as the database engine and Heartbeat as the failover mechanism. The configuration will consist of a 2-node active/passive cluster.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mysql

apache +   debian +   freesoft +   php +   phpmyadmin +   replication +   secure +   software +   ssl +   XAMPP +  

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