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PUBLIC MARKS with tags nes & 2005

January 2006

Projetista do NES diz que jogos de hoje roubam sonhos das crianças - 05/12/2005 - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
O atual conselheiro da Nintendo e professor-titular da universidade Ritsusmei, Masayuki Uemura, disse na Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005, realizada no próprio instituto de ensino, que a missão da Nintendo é manter os videogames como o "brinquedo dos sonhos" das crianças.

November 2005

Gamasutra - Feature - "Nintendo Entertainment System – Expired Patents Do Not Mean Expired Protection"

by bcpbcp
"[Editor's Note: This article originated when the Gamasutra editors noticed a number of online sources such as Wikipedia stating that it was now completely legal to make NES 'clone' consoles, because all of Nintendo's patents regarding the NES had expired. How true was this statement? We asked game IP lawyer S. Gregory Boyd the question: "Are the NES patents expired? If so, is a company free to build and sell new NES-like systems?" Here's his response.]"

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last mark : 16/01/2006 17:18