[0911.3528] Estimating Network Link Characteristics using Packet-Pair Dispersion: A Discrete Time Queueing Theoretic View
by sylvainulgupdate on the "capprobe" approach ?
A practical bytecode interpreter for programmable routers on IXP network processors
by sylvainulg (via)mon article journal ^_^
Network Semantics
by sylvainulg & 1 other (via)from a guy who was trying to do a master/slave monitoring of TCP.
Inet Topology Generator Download
by sylvainulg (via)an Autonomous System (AS) level Internet topology generator.
Reconciling Performance and Programmability in Networking Systems | CCR online
by sylvainulg (via)all papers of one of the major conference on networking available online
USC GridSec Project
by sylvainulg (via)If you're about P2P and DDoS mitigation, this one is for you...
icdcsw,26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW'06)
by sylvainulga monstruous collection of workshop papers
Papers by David Mazières
by sylvainulg (via)impressive co-authoring of papers in decentralized filesystems, P2P solutions (incl. kademlia), SOPS and Usenix papers, and more.
Clients of DNS Root Servers - 2002-08-28
by sylvainulg (via)according to "OASIS", 'measurements at DNS root servers [] have shown many resolvers use dynamically-assigned addresses'
Complore - Research Collaboration Tool in a new avatar
by srikant & 1 otherComplore.com a research collaboration tool for research community is launched today again with new look and feel.
(24 marks)