September 2006
July 2006
Antonio Pineda's Magick Papers Book Tour
by springnetCalled a gifted first novel, Antonio Pineda's Magick Papers is perhaps also one of the very few detective stories with a backdrop of the performing arts. But it reflects Pineda's earlier life in the psychedelic underground of San Francisco's Haight-
April 2006
February 2006
Unfortunate Bastard
by unfbas74 (via)Uncivil Seasons, perhaps the best ever contemporary southern novel.
December 2005
by vista网络小说中的“挖坑”现象比比皆是。一部分是由于网络作者本身受到现实生活和写作功力的种种限制,导致虎头蛇尾。有的网络作者则是与网站和出版社签订了出版合同,“被迫”不能公布结局。这样,大量看不到结尾、心痒难忍的网友就会转化为潜在的购书者。还有一部分网络作者是早有策划:他们具备了一定的写作功底,当自己的小说吸引来众多的读者,获得极高的点击和人气后,他们就有意将结局留着“待价而沽”。
(6 marks)