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PUBLIC MARKS with tag occupation




ハムスター速報 2ろぐ 派遣の実態 〜フル○ャスト編〜

by plasticdreams


by plasticdreams
「1001 名前:学名ナナシ 投稿日:2007年03月24日 21:03 日本人総マゾ化計画」....


by plasticdreams


by plasticdreams
78 番組の途中ですが名無しです :2007/02/22(木) 18:49:14 ID:mgkk5yjL0 ?2BP(3011) 給料普通でいいから忙しくないとこがいい

痛いニュース(ノ∀`):「仕事が見つからず生活できないので自殺する」 22歳男性、特急にひかれ即死

by plasticdreams
132 名前:番組の途中ですが名無しです[] 投稿日:2007/02/21(水) 20:04:38 ID:IwLtiqfI0 派遣に登録するぐらいなら死んだほうがマシ・・・という日本への主張


by plasticdreams


Palestinians blocked Israeli air raid? No way!

by sabbah
No they did not. Do you want to tell me that they didn't kill innocent civilians before? How graceful they are. Then who killed all these thousands and thousands of children, women and elders? Don't tell me "Technical Error"!!

Gaza Autumn Clouds: Why, how, who?

by sabbah
More than 40 martyr up to date. The world is silent, barefacedly! The Palestinian crime is Fighting Israel OCCUPATION! Israel has killed 2,300 Gazans over the past six years, including 300 in the last four months. Five Israelis were killed during the same period (six years) by Qassam rockets, which Israel is now claiming to put an end to. More disturbing news is the entry into the Israeli government of Avigdor Lieberman, as deputy prime minister. He is a Russian immigrant best known for recommended flooding Egypt by bombing the Aswan Dam and his solution to transfer Palestinians out of Israel so as to create an ethnically pure country. He has advocated death for any Arab members of the Knesset. In any truly democratic country he would be denounced and shunned as a dangerous fascist.

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