July 2006
June 2006
Scripting News Annex » Links to docs for the Aggregator API
by ycc2106This post tries to tie together all the bits in the release of the Aggregator API, and provides a place for developers to comment, ask for help, report problems, etc. This post tries to tie together all the bits in the release of the Aggregator API, an
May 2006
Social Bookmarking Feeds OPML Generator
by ycc2106OPML code generator for del.icio.us, Simpy, Connotea, CiteULike and/or Scuttle RSS feeds, with options for URL structures (used by del.ico.us, Connotea and Scuttle) username and tags. Generate an OPML file (or just a list of feed URLs) for , ,
(6 marks)