public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "open web"


Du Bon usage de la piraterie

by emmanuelc
Du Bon usage de la piraterie est un essai de Florent Latrive, journaliste et co-animateur du site Freescape. Il décrit les affrontements idéologiques, scientifiques et financiers autour de la notion de propriété intellectuelle.


Long Live the Web

by marco & 2 others (via)
Large social-networking sites are walling off information posted by their users from the rest of the Web.

Mozilla Labs » Gaming

by Spone
Mozilla Labs Gaming is the latest project launched by Mozilla Labs, committed to providing the game developer community with the platform and tools they need to make innovative games on the Open Web.


Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Some Thoughts on the Open Web Foundation

by François Hodierne (via)

In truth there is already an organization dedicated to producing "Open" Web technologies that has a well thought out policy on membership, governance, sponsorship and intellectual property rights that isn't pay to play. This is not a new organization, it actually happens to be older than David Recordon who unveiled the Open Web Foundation.

Emphasis mine.


Open Web

by breizh_web & 1 other
Articles, reflexions et tutoriaux sur le développement de sites valides XHTML.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "open web"

documentation +   ietf +   internet +   jeux +   mozilla +   net neutrality +   open +   open standards +   piraterie +   Tantek Çelik +   tim berners-lee +   web +   web libre +   xhtml +  

Active users

last mark : 12/03/2012 09:32

François Hodierne
last mark : 05/01/2012 08:24

last mark : 20/11/2010 20:53

last mark : 12/09/2010 20:55

last mark : 12/10/2006 18:06