August 2018
Project 2 : iTools | Learning English Together
by tadeufilippiniProject third edition is a five-level primary and secondary English course, trusted by teachers and loved by students worldwide.
Project third edition encourages students to enjoy the process of learning, through updated content and a wealth of materials.
It motivates students with engaging texts, topics, and activities across all five levels. The logical structure and clear approach provide a solid base for learning, as the course presents real language in real contexts.
With Project iTools, teachers have exciting interactive whiteboard material which brings fresh stimulus to language lessons.
File size: 327 MB
May 2018
English Plus 2 Second Edition: Student Book | Learning English Together
by tadeufilippiniEnglish Plus 2 Second Edition: Student Book
Published by: sillco (Karma: 5.56) on Yesterday, 20:16 | Views: 352
Павел Колесов – Официальный сайт!
Новый онлайн мастер-класс от Павла Колесова. Для всех тех, кто хочет от жизни все!
Павел КолесовОнлайн мастер-класс27 уроков везенияМагнит для мечты
The second edition contains more engaging content with a wide range of bright, dynamic activities to facilitate students’ learning and development.
These include:
Puzzles and Games pages
Optional Song Lessons
More video activities (2 clips per unit and more in Options lessons)
Grammar animations
Practice Kit providing supplementary online practice
Study strategy boxes giving students advice on how to improve
Classroom Presentation Tool
(2 marks)