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PUBLIC MARKS with tags performance & code


Analyser la performance de son site Internet

by Giraultises & 5 others
GTmetrix est un service qui vous permettra d'optimiser le code de votre site Internet. Il vous permettra d'analyser les performance et la rapidité à laquelle votre site s'affiche (paramètre de plus en plus essentiel pour un bon référencement). En bref, un bon service à bookmarker.


toystore: Ruby mapper for key-value data stores, and darn near anything - The Changelog - Open Source moves fast. Keep up.

by Spone
NewToy (now Zynga with Friends) the folks that brought you the wildly popular mobile game Words With Friends, also have served up some open source code for your enjoyment. John Nunemaker and Geoffrey Dagley have created Toy Store, an ORM that promises to let you completely change your data store in a couple lines of code.



Page Speed – Google Code

by piouPiouM
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.


modconcat - Google Code

by camel & 2 others
This emulates a feature in danga's perlbal. the ability to join multiple files together in a single request. This is a performance optimization. instead of requesting 5 seperate CSS or javascript files from your server, you can do it one request.

Jiffy Firefox Extension - Documentation

by camel
The Jiffy Firefox Extension is written Bill Scott of Netflix. It adds an additional panel to Firebug that provides a visual view of the Javascript time measurements captured by Jiffy-Web. The extension is available under Creative Commons license. Jiffy-Web is a fine-grained and flexible website performance tracking and analysis suite written by Scott Ruthfield and the team at The library provides a simple way to insert and capture time measurements in your Javascript code and save them to a backend service for later analysis.

XEN Cluster HowTo

by camel
I have tried to run both Debian Etch and Ubuntu 8.04 Server on the cluster nodes, in Dom0. I started my tests with Debian, but I had some issues with slow samba performance in one VM that I couldn't fix so I decided to try Ubuntu Server, for the first time. Both installation went OK, the main difference was that I used mainly source code in Debian, but only packages in Ubuntu. I actually ran into more problems with Ubuntu due to some early bugs in the 8.04 release, will describe them below as I go along. And I have still to prove that running this setup in Ubuntu is stable.

phpsocketdaemon - Google Code

by greut & 2 others

By using this library you can focus on implementing protocol and logic, instead of spending countless hours of writing and debugging asynchronous, non blocking, high performance socket routines.

PHP is getting massive ?

Code profiling, memory profiling, .NET profiler - ANTS Profiler

by brianwaustin
Identify performance bottlenecks quickly and easily Optimize memory usage and locate memory leaks Visual Studio integration with context sensitivity Download file includes FREE Visual Studio Add-in


Apache Synapse 1.1 -

by camel
Apache Synapse offers a wide range of connectivity, including HTTP/S, JMS, (S)FTP, SOAP, WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Security. The project has been designed to allow administrators to support advanced functionality such as load-balancing, throttling, and failover without writing code. The new Apache Synapse 1.1 release includes many enhancements based on feedback from users, including * Apache VFS based file transport - supports File System, FTP, SFTP, JAR, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, Mime * Scheduled Task support makes it simple to run repetitive tasks * XQuery mediator - simplifies XML transformation with the XQuery standard * POJO Command mediator - allows the creation of message-independent mediation logic * DB Report and DB Lookup mediators - support message augmentation and database logging * Cache and Throttle mediators/enhancements - improve performance and manage load on existing services * Split/Clone/Aggregate mediators - support batch processing of large messages * Improved logging and tracing support With asynchronous support for HTTP and HTTPS, Apache Synapse has very high scalability under load, supporting thousands of concurrent connections even with limited threads. Combined with streaming XML support, Apache Synapse has class-leading performance results. The Apache Synapse code and binaries are available from the website at


JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier

by sunny & 13 others
Online implementation of a Javascript verifier that not only finds javascript bugs, it can also suggest improvements


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