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PUBLIC MARKS with tags php & developement


Awesome PHP Libraries and Resources

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
An extensive list of interesting PHP libraries and frameworks



Template for Jenkins Jobs for PHP Projects

by Xavier Lacot
The goal of this project is to provide a standard template for Jenkins jobs for PHP projects.


Liip Blog // PHP Content Repository: Full implementation in sight

by Xavier Lacot
Announcement of PHPCR available, using iterators, PHP 5.3 namespaces. This is the future storage backend for the Symfony2 CMF.

HipHop for Mac | HPHP Playground

by Xavier Lacot
HipHop PHP, Facebook's PHP preprocessor, has been ported to OSX. Nice features, and possibly a working install !

by Xavier Lacot
A service allowing to build pear packages directly and automatically from a github repository. OpenId login. Nifty.

Learning PHP 5.3 by writing your own ORM – techPortal

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
A tutorial on how to create a simple ORM using power features of PHP5.3

Roadsend PHP Compiler

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
A compiler for PHP programs, which allows to compile PHP application as common desktop binaries: non-required php executable, eventually microserver embedded, php-gtk support, etc.


Advanced Routing (part 2) | More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4 | symfony | Web PHP Framework

by Xavier Lacot
A complete tutorial about route collections, which explains in detail what it is and how to use it.

mysql-workbench-doctrine-plugin - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Xavier Lacot
The MySQL Workbench Doctrine Plugin is a plugin developed for MySQL Workbench which is a tool for developing MySQL databases with a graphical interface. Even developing MySQL databases with Workbench you can use the .yml output for usage with every database supported by doctrine.

redis - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Xavier Lacot & 4 others, 1 comment
A performant key-value database. A PHP module is available, that lets PHP access to Redis in a performant way.


by Xavier Lacot
The website of Lithium, the fork of the CakePHP framework, made by two of its core members.


by Xavier Lacot
Gearman provides a generic application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes that are better suited to do the work. It allows you to do work in parallel, to load balance processing, and to call functions between languages. It can be used in a variety of applications, from high-availability web sites to the transport of database replication events. In other words, it is the nervous system for how distributed processing communicates. One type of asynchronous and worker solution I could use in the implementation of asynchronousity in Symfony's media plugin

NetBeans for PHP : weblog

by Xavier Lacot
The work for supporting for Symfony PHP Framework in NetBeans 6.8 is finished. This should make Netbeans the default editor for PHP developers, far before Eclipse. As for me, I'll stick to Textmate :)

Symfony-Zone » HelloWorld example with Flex and Symfony

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
A simple guide on how to use Flex from within Symfony. The tutorial helps creating a simple client with a text field and a button, and shows all the mechanism involved in the communication to the Symfony backend server.

Issue 145913 - Netbeans 7.0 to support Symfony

by Xavier Lacot
"The news is that the Symfony support will be part of NetBeans 7.0. We are going to start work on it very soon. I hope that it will be a part of continual build this year and community can comment the support and work with us to finish it in the best possible quality and usability."


Livre blanc : frameworks php pour l’entreprise

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Forte d’une expérience éprouvée des frameworks PHP majeurs, Clever Age publie aujourd’hui un livre blanc au sujet des frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise.


Late Static Bindings Explained

by Xavier Lacot
Late Static Binding (LSB, yes, not LSD) is an OO feature that is meant to be implemented in PHP 6, and maybe even backported to PHP 5. This article will describe what LSB is, what problems it's supposed to solve and how.

Xdebug 2 released - Derick Rethans

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP.... Nothing less ? :)


PHP Cheat Sheet

by nhoizey & 9 others (via)
The PHP cheat sheet is designed to be printed on an A4 sheet of paper and live by a developers desk, to make life a bit easier.

PEAR :: Package :: HTTP_Request

by camel & 3 others (via)
Supports GET/POST/HEAD/TRACE/PUT/DELETE, Basic authentication, Proxy, Proxy Authentication, SSL, file uploads etc.

Xhtml2pdf - Xhtml2pdf Homepage

by nicolasd & 15 others (via)
Xhtml2pdf est une classe PHP, libre et gratuite (sous license GPL) permettant de transformer des documents xhtml en PDF

Xhtml2pdf - Xhtml2pdf Homepage

by nicolasd & 15 others (via)
Xhtml2pdf est une classe PHP, libre et gratuite (sous license GPL) permettant de transformer des documents xhtml en PDF

Xhtml2pdf - Xhtml2pdf Homepage

by nicolasd & 15 others
Xhtml2pdf est une classe PHP, libre et gratuite (sous license GPL) permettant de transformer des documents xhtml en PDF

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag php

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 20/06/2013 08:04

last mark : 30/04/2005 13:10

last mark : 26/04/2005 17:02

last mark : 08/03/2005 14:37

last mark : 07/03/2005 09:42