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Thoduv’s devblog » Blog Archive » Vidage de poubelle 3: ndsim

by sylvainulg
pas mal de libs intéressantes utilisées : dstype (truetypes), multi-threading software par Tim Seidel, chargement de plugin (inspiré de Moonshell) ...

::: Francesco's knick-knacks :::

by sylvainulg
pour ceux qui préfèrent le Pascal ... Freepascal pour GBA et NDS. Binaire pour Windows uniquement, malheureusement.

File Download-BLARGH-Text-Editor-WIP-r120 -

by sylvainulg
another text editor for DS, using "hexagonal keyboard". - TxtWriter

by sylvainulg (via)
a text editor for DS. sounds a bit outdated, have to check it. sources available.



by sylvainulg (via)
ou "comment le FIFO 3D de la DS fonctionne"

Bilou HomeBrew's Blog: modplayer

by sylvainulg
I'm starting a serie of articles on extending 0xtob's XM module player on the nintendo DS with more effects. -- Une petite série d'articles où j'ajoute le support de différents effets (portamento, vibrato, tempo/speed, etc.) à la bibliothèque libntxm sur nintendo DS :: View topic - Need help with effective VRAM setup

by sylvainulg
F and G can map anywhere in the first 128K. The catch is, they mirror in two places it should be possible to make F and G contiguous with A (neat mapping technique by cydrak, using the best of VRAM_OFFSET(x)) to offer 112+48K on BG areas plus 448K contiguous as spare (LCD).


Le blog de Stravingo

by sylvainulg (via)
ka-boom, setsuzoku, DS weather, Treasures of Gaia ... que du bonheur ...

My Ketchup Is Dead

by sylvainulg (via)
a somewhat quiet blog from a belgian homebrew DS coder working on emulators (mainly)

beyond DS

by sylvainulg (via)
French guy doing nice DS homebrew game with the PAlib.

Sander Stolks Projects

by sylvainulg (via)
The model converter and model viewer I created, both run on the Nintendo DS. People always talk about how nice portability would be for model tools, and the Nintendo DS is pretty damn portable! ;p Anyway, my model converter converts .x 3D models of a specific syntax to a .c file with an NDS display list array, which can be used in NDS programs and can be viewed in my model viewer. Do note that I didn't write support for normals in my converter program, but that could easily be added. For specific details on how these two programs work, I suggest you check the readme file. And/or the source code if you find that easier to understand; it being available and all. :: View topic - Differing methods for making display lists...

by sylvainulg
the DS does not have OpenGL commands like glBeginList and glEndList. Some people (including myself) might have coded them -- or something similarly named -- to easily create such a u32 array with raw FIFO commands. So basicly, on the DS, a display list is a u32 array and nothing more. Sometimes hidden by functions.

Bilou HomeBrew's Blog

by sylvainulg & 1 other (via)
Design et (plus tard) réalisation d'un jeu de plateforme sur la Nintendo DS ... Aussi baptisé "repère d'un touche-à-tout" (j'aime)

TONC: Contents

by sylvainulg
Tonc's tutorial on GBA hardware. If you're looking for 2D rotation matrices illustrated with metroid sprites, click the link ^_^

Drunken Coders

by sylvainulg & 1 other
Homebrew pour DS : articles, tutoriels, news, etc. Nintendo DS homebrew : news, tutorials, etc.


gameboy advance development

by sylvainulg (via)
_the_ tool you need, lzss compression and decompression routines in C. GBA compatible.

Active users

last mark : 25/02/2010 12:19