ASCII by Jason Scott / Datapocalypso!
by night.kameAnd as for “free”, I think we’re going to have a few rounds of root beers over whether a place, like Google, that browses through your e-mail via robots and uses it to generate statistically relevant advertisements on your page, or places like Flickr that do in fact have advertisements for seeing your content and charge you on top of that for additional features, or places like Ustream that have profit-sharing and used to do indirect advertisement but now overlay ads on your content, are “free”. Some people confuse “no money down” with free and that’s why they’re getting fucking kicked out of their houses, finding themselves at the mercy and procedures of actual eviction law.
Peu de choses sont réellement gratuites, et même quand elles semblent l'être, votre propriété est en réalité très limitée.