HOWTO Spam Filtering with Spamdyke in front of Qmail - Gentoo Linux Wiki
by camel (via)This HOWTO should give an overview on using spamdyke SMTP filter in front of the mail-mta/netqmail mailserver. From the spamdyke website:
spamdyke is a filter for monitoring and intercepting SMTP connections between a remote host and a qmail server. When a connection is established from a spam source (as determined by the active filters), spamdyke will reject the email -- qmail never sees it.
Howto install of Qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap...
by springnet & 2 othersQMAIL + Vpopmail + courier-imap + Qmailadmin + MySql + Spamassassin + clamav + Squirrelmail + stats (Isoqlog, qms-analog, qmailanalog & qmail MRTG) under Linux
FEHCom - Qmail Support Page [SPAMCONTROL]
by springnetSPAMCONTROL is an extension qmail. Though mainly used to filter and control unsolicited commercial E-Mails (UCE/SPAM), since release 2 it includes substantial EMSTP protocol enhancements for qmail.
Spamassassin with qmail / Vpopmail
by springnetIf you want to link Qmail with spamassassin, it is quite easy. First, install spamassassin and install razor and pyzor if you want to use it.
Spamassassin & Qmail
by springnetAlthough (by now) I don't use Spamassassin myself, I have it done once and it worked for me. People have asked me about it, so I put the pieces here together.
Qmail-Scanner - A Content Scanner for Qmail
by springnet & 2 othersQmail-Scanner is an add-on that enables a Qmail email server to scan gatewayed email for certain characteristics (i.e. a content scanner). It is typically used for its anti-virus and anti-spam protection functions, in which case it is used in conjunction
Chris Hardie - qmail Anti-Spam HOWTO
by springnetoptions for system administrators who want to implement anti-spam mechanisms at the system-wide level.
Webmail server guide - qmail, vpopmail, mysql, courier-imap, squirrelmail, qmail-scanner, clam antivirus, spamassassin
Bill's Linux Qmail Toaster
by springnetWhat this toaster does and does not do: This "howto" will walk you through building a Linux Qmail "Toaster". While these instructions are intended to work with popular Linux distributions, they will probably work on other flavors of Unix without too much
The qmail newbie's guide to relaying
by springnet & 1 otherthere's a fair amount of confusion on the subject of relaying mail and what the rcpthosts file has to do with it, and how tcpserver's tcprules can affect it. So I've written the following, exceedingly wordy explanation of relaying and how to do it selecti
qmail: Second most popular MTA on the Internet
by springnetPlease note that this site is a reference for qmail users. It's not designed to be easy to use -- it's designed to be comprehensive. There are things in here which have sharp edges! If you're looking for a tutorial site, visit Dave Sill's excellent Life W
Life with qmail
by springnetLife with qmail is aimed at everyone interested in running qmail, from the rank amateur (newbie) who just installed Linux on a spare PC all the way up to the experienced system administrator or mail administrator. If you find it lacking or unclear, please
qmail: the Internet's MTA of choice
by springnetqmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent. It is designed for typical Internet-connected UNIX hosts. As of October 2001, qmail is the second most common SMTP server on the Internet, and has by far the fastest growth of any SMTP
A qmail installation that will get you laid - It's gotta be Qmailrocks.org
by springnet & 1 otherWelcome to Qmailrocks.org, a comprehensive qmail installation resource. Founded in June of 2003, Qmailrocks.org was put together to provide a free and open resource for anyone needing help with the installation and configuration of Dan Bernstein's qmail M
mini-HOWTO install qmail with MH: Introduction
by springnetEfficient: On a Pentium under BSD/OS, qmail can easily sustain 200000 local messages per day---that's separate messages injected and delivered to mailboxes in a real test! Although remote deliveries are inherently limited by the slowness of DNS and SMTP,