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PUBLIC MARKS with tag quotes



by equis
An automated video software and traffic getting system. It uses video quotes to emotionally grab your visitors and inspires them to buy your products or services instantly.


Emiliano Zapata - Wikiquote

by tadeufilippini (via)
Emiliano Zapata De Wikiquote, la colección libre de citas y frases célebres. Emiliano Zapata Salazar (aproximadamente 1879 - 1919), fue uno de los líderes más importantes durante la Revolución Mexicana. Citas «Libertad, Justicia y Ley» Plan de Ayala. 28 de noviembre de 1911.[1] "La tierra es para quien la trabaja" "Quiero morir siendo esclavo de los principios, no de los hombres." "Si no hay justicia para el pueblo que no haya paz para el gobierno" "Tierra y libertad." Atribuída a Emiliano Zapata, pero fue originalmente usada en México por Ricardo Flores Magón.[2] "Perdono al que roba y al que mata, pero al que traiciona, nunca". "Muchos de ellos, por complacer a tiranos, por un puñado de monedas o por cohecho o soborno, están traicionando y derramando sangre de sus hermanos"[3] "La tierra volverá a quienes la trabajan con sus manos". "¡Somos partidarios de los principios y no de los hombres!" Plan de Ayala. Punto 15o.[1] “El que quiera ser águila que vuele, el que quiera ser gusano que se arrastre pero que no grite cuando lo pisen”.[3] Atribuciones "Prefiero morir de pie a vivir de rodillas". La frase es habitualmente atribuida sin precisiones de fecha, circunstancias ni fuentes, a Emiliano Zapata. La misma fue pronunciada originalmente por Dolores Ibárruri, la Pasionaria, en un discurso del 8 de septiembre de 1936.[4] A partir de la década de 1960 la frase comenzó a ser atribuida también a Emiliano Zapata, luego de que el historiador estadounidense John Womack, afirmara en su libro Zapata y la revolución mexicana, que "un vándalo anónimo grabó en un poste de los jardines Borda de Cuernavaca, al día siguiente del asesinato [de Zapata], "rebeldes del sur, es mejor morir de pie que vivir de rodillas".[5]


Sad love quotes

by Moq (via)
Sad love quotes Spend your life with someone who makes you happy, not someone you need to try and impress Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love is by being just a friend Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead


William Gibson Quotes (Author of Neuromancer)

by sbrothier
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” ― William Gibson

The Nice Quote

by sbrothier (via)
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning. Albert Einstein  (→)

Quotes about programming languages

by greut

"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."

Tony (C.A.R.) Hoare. Computing professor, implemented Algol 60, searcher at Microsoft Research.



Sheffield Doc/Fest's pick of the pics | David Cox | Film |

by HK
"The Big Issue, directed by Olivia Colo and Samuel Bollendorff, which got a special mention, manages to address a genuine issue (obesity) as well as to apply fresh techniques."

Citador - Citações do Autor: Nelson Rodrigues

by ghis (via)
Quotes from Nelson Rodrigues, brazilian journalist and author.

Nelson Rodrigues - Wikiquote

by ghis (via)
Quotes from Nelson Rodrigues, brazilian journalist and theatre author.

Twitter / Nicolas Perriault: RT @futurecat: Usability T ...

by ghis (via)
Usability Testing DIY. Drink a few beers. Drink some more. Record your session.

Rasmus Lerdorf - Wikiquote

by ghis (via)
Some quotes from the creator of PHP. Frightening :)

NumberQuotes - Get a quote, make a point

by ghis (via)
Ever need a good quote to add scale to a number? You know, you’re giving a presentation on sales and you want to give a number some scale. “Last year our industry changed by 50 billion dollars – that’s the GDP of Serbia.” Only finding those quotes used to be a pain, but with NumberQuotes you can find the quote you need fast and easy.


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