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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rdf & rest


4store - Scalable RDF storage

by parmentierf
4store, an efficient, scalable and stable RDF database. Système de gestion de base de données RDF open source pour des grands volumes de données (annonce 15 milliards de triplets !!). Propose un sparql endpoint, une API REST pour ajouter ou enlever des données, un système de backup. Pas de précision sur la façon de supporter les graphes nommés. Pas de support de Jena ou Sesame.

Bill de hÓra: Snowflake APIs

by greut (via)

RDF is worth learning for a different reason — the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better format and data API designer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use RDF itself a lot. (You can get some beginning experience with RDF fairly easily by writing and modifying simple files like FOAF and DOAP for social networks and software projects, or RDFa extensions for XHTML.)


Qi4j: REST EntityStore and SPARQL EntityFinder = rich client web apps!

by night.kame

For the finder part I have implemented a SPARQL backend, which internally delegates to Sesame2, which is the same default index/query that is used to find Entities in general. This in itself is pretty cool, because it means that you can write your domain model in Java, have it be automatically persisted in a store like Neo4j, and then with no extra effort expose it through SPARQL for AJAX webapps to consume (both RDF/XML and JSON output is supported today). Minimally writing a domain model only involves writing Java interfaces (no classes), so it's pretty easy to get started.

Tant de choses à tester...


Flickcurl: C library for the Flickr Web Service API

by greut & 2 others
Flickcurl is a library for calling the Flickr web service API, handling the API signing and the token management plus providing wrappers for some of the APIs.


REST without RDF is only half as bad as SOAP

by benoit
Of all the xml data formats (as opposed to markup formats such as xhtml or OpenDocument, which is not my topic here), RDF is the one that takes the lessons of REST to heart. In RDF every concept, every relation, every object has a permalink so to say, a fixed URI that identifies it.

James Tauber : Blogs, Annotations, Comments and Trackbacks

by Xavier Lacot
Un regard sur la question des commentaires et trackbacks au sujet de ressources du web.


Connecting Social Content Services using FOAF, RDF and REST

by Cyclope & 7 others (via)
A growing number of "social content" applications such as Flickr,, audioscrobbler, and AllConsuming are making open web services part of their core offering to end users. These interfaces allow users to query, share, and manipulate the data managed on their behalf by these social content applications.

Connecting Social Content Services using FOAF, RDF and REST

by nhoizey & 7 others (via)
A growing number of "social content" applications such as Flickr,, audioscrobbler, and AllConsuming are making open web services part of their core offering to end users. These interfaces allow users to query, share, and manipulate the data managed on their behalf by these social content applications.

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François Hodierne
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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 10/07/2006 09:12

last mark : 01/06/2005 13:44

last mark : 01/06/2005 13:23

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last mark : 27/05/2005 16:30