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PUBLIC MARKS with tag rest


PocketBase - Open Source backend in 1 file

by srcmax & 2 others
Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file


REST Countries

by Krome
Get information about countries via a RESTful API



Home · NationalBankBelgium/REST-API-Design-Guide Wiki

by night.kame

Being truly RESTful, according to experts means (among other things) implementing HATEOAS. While that is appealing, it also has security implications. We always say that security by obscurity is not security, but providing attackers with full discoverability of your API is not necessarily wise..


If you're looking for a truly RESTful API design guide, you should probably continue looking elsewhere :)

Suivant le mouvements initié par les idiolâtres de Struts, les haineux du XML ont parachevé cette œuvre de débilisation de l'ingénierie logicielle pour l'amener où elle se trouve aujourd'hui : dans les bas-fonds des "services numériques" (quand ils ne sont pas "digitaux"). Nous avons donc la Banque Nationale de Belgique qui ne sait plus parler ni en français, ni en flamand, pour coller des mots aléatoirement sur des concepts, avec pour seule contrainte scientifique d'avoir entendu le dit mot au détour d'une allée dans ces colloques où le développeur, forcément super-héros, n'est qu'un Bisounours parmi les autres (croisé avec un Power Ranger évidemment). Au final il ne reste qu'un vague gloubi-boulga, indigeste, mais prag-ma-tique. Si Codd est mort, Reenskaug et Fielding ne le sont pas, et pourtant, cette foule les a bel et bien enterré, et désacralisent de leur verbe béotien ces tombes virtuelles.

Why You Should Taste Grape – Glauco Custódio – Software engineering, open source, community and passion

by Spone
I know that Rails 5 with --api mode is around the corner. But I need to say you how awesome is to build APIs with Grape. I will show you why. What are the main features we expect from a good API? Parameter validation Parameter coercion Documentation Serialization Performance Versioning Authentication Testing The first four items are the ones in which Grape really shines for me. I am going through one at a time.

Paw – The most advanced HTTP client for Mac

by manu
Paw is a full-featured and beautifully designed Mac app that makes interaction with REST services delightful. Whether you are an API maker or consumer, Paw helps you build HTTP requests, inspect the server's response and even generate client code.


FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle · GitHub

by Krome
This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2


by srcmax
The world's easiest way to create high-quality APIs


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