public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags seo & e-commerce


Facilitateur E-commerce : la performance e-commerce à votre service

by Tarasboulba
Spécialiste de la performance e-commerce, propose des services d'audit de site web, de référencement, de gestion de compte Adwords (certifié Adwords Publicité sur le réseau de recherche). Un vrai accélérateur de votre business en ligne.


Tildigital : la performance digitale par nature

by mydruid
Tildigital intervient pour mettre en place vos stratégies digitales & relationnelles, pour obtenir l’engagement de vos clients et pour améliorer les performances de vos dispositifs marketing. Conseil en marketing Relation client Marketing automation Webdesign, Sites Webs Applications web & mobile E-Commerce Blogs, Microsites Sites évènementiels Email marketing Responsive design


CV Renaud

by bistoule
CV Search, ecommerce, trafic, Internet, webanalytics.


Rich Snippets Testing Tool

by Nicolas Lescure & 2 others
Use the Rich Snippets Testing Tool to check that Google can correctly parse your structured data markup and display it in search results.

Comment améliorer l'ergonomie d'un site web marchand

by lang
Vous avez un site web marchand, mais avez-vou vérifiez certains points essentiels pour qu'il soit compris, rapide et populaire auprès des internautes



Digital Web Magazine | Articles

by noelopan & 2 others
Digital Web Magazine is an online magazine intended for professional web designers, web developers and information architects. The magazine consists primarily of work contributed by web authors, as well as by others who occasionally delve into the web rea

7 Must Have Tips For Optimizing Your E-Commerce Website

by pgv5705
For the most part optimizing your e-commerce website isn’t too different from optimizing any other site. There are however a few areas to focus on that will help drive visitors to your site. The following tips are guidelines for building an SEO friendly e-commerce site.

Active users

last mark : 06/10/2017 08:38

last mark : 07/03/2019 10:07

last mark : 09/07/2012 18:01

Nicolas Lescure
last mark : 21/09/2011 10:44

last mark : 09/06/2011 09:54

last mark : 28/08/2007 14:24

last mark : 15/06/2006 10:10

last mark : 04/04/2006 08:15

last mark : 21/03/2006 14:54