public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags sharing & email


El club de la Noticia Plugin Worpress

by walo
This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.

WordPress › el-club-de-la-noticia « WordPress Plugins

by walo
Adds an icon to share [El club de la Noticia]( news and social networking icons at the end of a post for readers to share. This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.

AirDropper - Request a file from anyone.

by simon_bricolo & 1 other
AirDropper lets Dropbox users securely request a file from anyone.


Digg no longer the Favorite | I Do Info Tech

by greut

The data are illustrated below in the chart provided by ShareThis. The results are likely an accurate reflection of the various sharing services popularity on the web as a whole as ShareThis is extremely popular:

  • Email is by far most popular sharing service getting 57%.
  • Facebook is the second most popular sharing service at 21%
  • Digg has dropped significantly in popularity to 2%

How people share things using ShareThis. When are we gonna see XMPP coming?



Mozilla Labs Blog » Blog Archive » Keep track of your friends with The Coop

by cyberien & 1 other (via)
Just a few years ago, one of the most popular uses of the internet was to send jokes, cute pictures, and news stories to friends and family (social networks) via email. Fast forward to today, and you’ll find that not a lot has changed except the medium. Now one of the most common uses of instant messenger services and social networking sites is to send people links to jokes, cute pictures and interesting news stories. This behavior isn’t at all surprising - it’s friends sharing experiences, the very backbone of social interactions and friendships. It’s also unsurprising that most “Web 2.0″ services have a feature that makes it easy for you to build a social network so that you can share things more easily, or subscribe to a friend’s activity as a way of keeping in touch. What is surprising, however, is how little of this type of functionality has made it into today’s web browsers. The result is that when people think of tools for social interaction, email and instant messenger are at the top of their list, not web browsers.


Welcome to Pando

by kalley & 27 others (via)
一个利用 Email 来与朋友共享文件的免费软件,与传统的 PSP (或者 Email )软件相比,它有如下特点: 1. 突破邮件的附件大小限制; 2. 通过打开 .pando 后缀的附件来收取文件; 3. 加速大文件的下载; 4. 使用你本身有的电子邮件地址; 5. 发送文件采用方便的拖放操作,不但可以传文件,还可以传文件夹; 6. 简单可靠的传输大文件; 7. 100% 免费,没有广告和后门软件


Thanks, we'll be in touch.

by onizuka & 1 other
is a tiny app that lets you email any size file or folder to anyone, free.

DropSend | Email large files easily and securely

by kalley & 24 others (via)
不但具有非常良好的操作界面及操作方法,并且它有一项独特的功能,那就是允许你将网络硬盘里的东西发送至任意一个邮箱。也就是说,你上传了一个 200MB的文件,你也可以马上通过轻轻一个点击,就可将它发送到指定的邮箱里。这对于需要发送超大文件的朋友而言,无疑是一个极好的消息。因为目前的邮箱绝大多数都会在附件容量上作限制,让你无法通过邮箱发送过大的文件。 容量为250MB,无月费,但每个月只能发送5次文件。当然,上传文件的尺寸是不受限制的(最大和容量一样)。界面非常的友好,和windows里的资源管理器差不多,操作非常的简便。最重要的是它有即时显示进度的功能,就像从U盘copy文件到硬盘上一样,让你完全掌握它的进度。 作为一个网络硬盘,它并不能对外提供共享。它就像一个在线的U盘,用来代替你的真实U盘,省却很多的麻烦。 来代替U盘,那的确也是一个不错的办法。但是使用Gmail Drive,你至少需要在两台电脑里都安装一次Gmail Drive,并且上传的文件也会受到Gmail附件大小的限制(10MB)。而使用DropSend,只需电脑能上网即可,方便很多。如果你觉得 250MB的容量不够大,当然可以通过支付一定的费用获得无限容量和无限发送的功能。不过一般建议的做法是:使用多个邮箱地址,注册多个免费的帐号,这样一来,就等于获得了更大的容量和更多的发送次数。

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