June 2006
February 2006
July 2005
June 2005
Weekend Standard - No room at the inn
by tsalonhow will Hong Kong cope with the protests at WTO ministerial meetings in Dec.
Michael DeGolyer: They've got the message
by tsalonexplains why people stop protesting on June 4th anniversary
May 2005
Hong Kong director blames audiences for losing out to SKorean film industry - Yahoo! News
by tsalonwarning from wong kar wai that the city is aging.
April 2005
February 2005
January 2005
獨立媒體 (香港) :: 學者聯署呼籲以社會責任正視私有化
by tsalon作為一群關注社會公義的學者,我們認為最近領匯事件的社會意義,在事件的發展和爭論過程中被嚴重扭曲,公民社會的聲音有被政府和部份傳媒的偏頗論述所湮沒的危險。
December 2004
獨立媒體 (香港) :: 小市民為何關心西九龍?
by tsalon文化與小市民有關係嗎?西九龍又與文化有關係嗎?是否關心與有否關係很重要。沒有關係就不會關心,關心才會建立關係。或者,我們可從社會公義、文化和公民社會三個向度去確立小市民關
Our Living Spaces & WKCD | Chatter Garden
by tsalonPetition to the WKCD is "a resistance against the immaculate shiny structures that are taking over HK’s identity."