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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "springnet blogmarks" & free

March 2008 Jahshaka

by springnet & 1 other
Jahshaka is a video and film compositing, editing and special fx system that uses OpenGL & OpenML hardware rendering to give operators real time interactivity. The system is cross platform, and also includes full CG, paint and image processing modules.

February 2008

January 2008

FlamingText: Free online tool for generating custom webpage graphics and animations.

by springnet & 1 other
sique on jtv suggested I use this to generate my banner on I did. It worked

November 2007

CrossLoop - Simple Secure Screen Sharing

by springnet
CrossLoop simplifies the process of securely working with friends located in different physical locations and across different network environments. CrossLoop enables you to see the screen and control the mouse and keyboard on a remote computer. It is as

October 2007


by springnet
googles 800-4664-411 service rocks fee directory assistance with text messaging and maps

August 2007

Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows.

by springnet & 1 other
Record video of what you do, or what you see. Capture images. Share online. Amazing!

July 2007

Database Zone ยป Top 10 free MySQL tools

by springnet
Here are some of the best free MySQL tools out there. The description is not my review of the product, it is just what the developers say about their tools. If you know some other good ones, you can drop a comment. - Access Remote PC Free

by springnet & 3 others
This is an open source Remote PC access project, an alternative to subscription based sites like WebEx or Gotomypc. ShowMyPC uses SSH port forwarding mechanism using Open Source SSH client plink and VNC Remote access software

June 2007

Video Editing 2.0: 8 Ways to Remix Online Videos

by springnet & 1 other
There are a bunch of other online video editing tools, and we'll take a brief look at some of them below (though again, don't expect Avid).

The Linux Alternative Project -

by springnet & 6 others
Linux Alternative Project (formally the Linux Equivalent Project). The goal is to provide an informational website for all linux users. I will be periodically updating the database with Windows software and the Linux equivalents and alternatives.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "springnet blogmarks"

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last mark : 25/03/2008 13:34