public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags springnet & bookmarks

April 2008

Welcome to Zigtag - an intelligent, semantic, social tagging and bookmarking service

by springnet & 4 others
Zigtag is a revolutionary new semantic, social tagging service that allows you to save your favorite websites, see what your friends are tagging, and find the sites you're really looking for!

by springnet
* Tag Digest – a page in blog form of the most popular bookmarks seen * The original blog post introducing LiveMarks Homepage: Author: Alex Bosworth License: GPL

February 2008

Linkwad :: Firefox Add-ons

by springnet
Linkwad lets you save and restore tabbed browsing sessions called wads. Wads can be shared and accessed from any computer. You can also share your "wads".

January 2008

Scripted Re-Mark - Batch Editor for Bookmarks

by springnet & 2 others
manage your bookmarks stored at one hit batch mode re-tag bookmarks en masse, make wholesale changes to URLs or update descriptions in bulk. toggle public/private sharing settings and mass delete bookmarks.

December 2007

SocialPicks: social stock picks & research

by springnet
Good Ideas By People You Trust SocialPicks is a community where stock investors exchange ideas and track performance.

The Big Boys of Social Bookmarking - The Top 24 Sites » 10e20 - Search, Design & Social

by springnet
the folks over at eBizMBA have put together a list of the top 20 social bookmarking sites. They based their results on data on a combination of and Quantcast data

May 2007

CleverClogs: OnePipe : the Single-Button Generic Feed Filtering Bookmarklet

by springnet
pointers and tips related to desktop and web alert services, news readers and personal productivity

July 2006 : Tools

by springnet & 1 other
# Get free stuff for Web design - ok # Using a Background Image Grid to Lay Out Your Web Site | Smiley Cat Web Design - ok # :: Open Source Telephony Project - ok # Seth's Blog: How to live happily with a great designer - ok

Active users

last mark : 26/04/2008 12:53