L'Europe impose le label "Energy Star" à ses Etats membres - Actualités Législation - Le Monde Informatique
by CharlesNepote"Quatre ans après le lancement du plan Energy Star, le Parlement européen impose que les institutions de l'Union européenne et de ses Etats membres n'achètent que des produits informatiques au logo Energy Star."
La spécification HTML 4.01
by kamquebec & 4 othersLa spécification HTML 4.01 Recommandation du W3C du 24 décembre 1999
Power Plays: The Phenomenon of Vendor Lock-in - OSNews.com
by fredbirdFans of just about anything alternative all seem to suffer from a similar affliction: a naïve underestimation of the pains of switching. This goes for U.S. fans of the metric system, alternative fuel proponents, vegetarians, and yes, OS fanatics. Now, personally I'm all for a lot of those things I just mentioned, but as a lapsed vegetarian, I know full well how, despite the advantages of the alternative, sometimes it's hard to switch and easy to go back.
(4 marks)