public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags storage & community

November 2007


by deltrintem & 54 others
deltrentis mrerich-gmail deltrintem-126

June 2007

KoffeePhoto - photo sharing

by cyberien & 1 other (via)
KoffeePhoto - Free photo sharing software Organize your photos, share your albums on the web and store them without limits! KoffeePhoto photo sharingKoffeePhoto is free software that helps you organize your photo albums and share them with your friends. KoffeePhoto offers a free Web Space allowing you to browse and share your pictures wherever you are! You can also set-up outstanding full-screen slideshows including background music ready to be streamed to your friends. Your friends can add comments turning your albums into community spaces. KoffeePhoto stores all your original pictures on its secure and private peer-to-peer storage network, providing access to the photos in their native resolution anytime and anywhere. KoffeePhoto runs on Windows XP/Vista, Mac OS X and Linux.

Cleversafe Open Source Community

by cyberien & 9 others is an open source community creating software for dispersed data storage

August 2006


by jackiege

May 2006

Royalty Free Stock Photos at

by slogoo & 23 others
Fotolia是一个新型, 专业的P2P电子商务网站. 它结合一些创新的商业模式和先进的Ajax, tagging, RSS等技术. 设计异常美观! 在这个站点, 摄影师可以直接出售其作品给最终消费者. 网站提供3中购买形式:

Welcome To Grouper

by slogoo & 25 others
无缝导入,编辑和共享你的视频文件的平台. v2.0的Grouper, 只适用于Windows系统, 要求下载一个客户端, 可以无限量上传图片和视频文件, 任何内容可以被设置成公开, 私密或对特定人群开放. 内容发布


by slogoo & 7 others
Sharpcast能将任何应用和数据在移动设备和电脑终端之间进行同步的网站. 相片功能很吸引人.

Newsvine - Get Smarter Here

by slogoo & 49 others
Newsvine正式上线. Newsvine集合了其他类似网站如Digg等的优秀功能, 同时具有聊天&评论的功能. 用户在上面有很好的社会性新闻的体验. 网站同时还在计划与新闻提供者进行收入分享的机制.


by slogoo & 3 others
Swapzies在线存储&SN的结合体. 用户可以上传文件. 如果该文件北设置为"公开", 那么其他用户便可以共享这些文件.

April 2006

FotoFlix: Share your photos and create slideshows on FotoFlix

by ycc2106 & 11 others
Upload up to 10MB of fotos, create an unlimited number of FotoFlix, organize your fotos with tags, and share your fotos with FotoGroups. - your source for free photos

by ycc2106 & 28 others
We aim to be a community for designers, photographers and other media types who want better, easier access to multimedia content on the web. User Profile with Avatar Bookmark photos with Tags - your source for free photos

by ycc2106 & 15 others
We aim to be a community for designers, photographers and other media types who want better, easier access to multimedia content on the web. User Profile with Avatar. Bookmark photos with Tags

March 2006

Bolt: Watch Videos, Share Photos, and Upload Music to your Online Profile

by ycc2106 & 11 others, 1 comment
a place where you could store, organize and share all the media you create in the course of your digital life.


by ycc2106 & 2 others
digital community that allows you to manage your entire digital lifestyle - from uploading photo and video albums, meeting friends, or just keeping a daily journal, all in one place!

December 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag storage

gmal +   google +   harddrive +   webspace +   xmail +  

Active users

last mark : 02/11/2007 10:07

last mark : 13/06/2007 16:13

last mark : 22/08/2006 10:50

last mark : 17/08/2006 13:00

last mark : 26/05/2006 15:07

last mark : 04/04/2006 11:55

last mark : 29/12/2005 02:35

last mark : 27/12/2005 23:49