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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "system administration"




Courier imap SSL Certificates

by l.meyer (via)
We use courier imap for imap and pop connectivity. After a standard install you have to use 'mkimapdcert' and 'mkpop3dcert' to generate the SSL certificates. This will cause clients (such as outlook) to present the user with a window which says they cannot verify the authenticity of the certificate. There are two ways around this problem


by l.meyer (via)
important openssl commands

Publishing digital certificates with LDAP

by l.meyer (via)
This section focuses on how to publish digital certificates into an ldap server. You need to publish digital certificates if you run a Certificaton Authority. Publishing to LDAP is a simple way to make this information available in the network .Also many certificate aware software uses LDAP as a preferred repository for user certificates.

Marc Liyanage - Software

by l.meyer (via)
A two-page diagram (fits on a sheet of paper when printed) which shows the possible subnet configurations of an IPv4 class C network. Very useful for planning and checking subnets as well as for teaching.

Chrooting sshd under OpenBSD

by l.meyer
An(other?) approach to chrooting sshd under OpenBSD

Using iChat AV with a firewall or NAT router

by l.meyer
When using iChat AV with NAT routers and firewalls, certain ports must be open to allow video and audio conferencing behind a firewall. Some devices have these ports open by default, while others require configuration.

FreeBSD System Disk Mirroring

by l.meyer
RAID-1 (mirroring) is a popular approach to protect the system from a harddisk failure. It is either done in hardware or software. The usual hardware solution is to buy a RAID disk controller like the popular 3ware ATA RAID controllers and then not having to deal with any software incompatibilities because the system just sees one large physical disk.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "system administration"

.net + +   freebsd +   linux +   mail +   monitoring +   networking +   openbsd +   os x +   security +   system performance +   tools +   unix +   utitlities +  

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