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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tagging & search


We need a tag evolution « Faviki Blog

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
The problem with both keywords and tags is that they are just words. But what would happen if, instead of words, we used objects? What if we used unique concepts that would always and everywhere have the same name and would refer to the specific object?


Web2.0 Template

by springnet & 1 other
turns search results form google,, amazon, yahoo, etc into live running slideshow of websites that are "live" and browsable while the show is running.


Phil Bradley: Finding what you need with the best search engines

by jlesage & 29 others
based on the question: What do you need to find and what do you already know?


by jlesage & 2 others
"ShopWiki actively crawls more than 180,000 online stores to ensure you’ll find the products you want at the best prices." For a class looking at web2.0 apps, it's the kind of thing students would enjoy playing with.

Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need

by jlesage & 9 others
how to refine a topic and its searches; updated for web 2.0 and specialty searching; good for anyone starting to do Internet research on a topic and will take you to some previously unused search tools

TeacherSource | . Tag - You're Delicious! | PBS

by jlesage
may 06 discussion of how delicious works; useful overview and collection of comments. PBS teachersouce is also worth visiting from time to time

The Best Stuff in the World!

by chenjing & 17 others
世界上最好的东东?分类浏览,Tag浏览,RSS浏览。首先有感觉的是她的创意:发现共享最好的东东,几乎囊括了所有分类!最有感觉的是她的搜索框,很像 !

Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources | OEDb

by jlesage & 7 others
The invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web and comprises databases and results of specialty search engines that the popular search engines can't index.

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

by jlesage & 56 others
You sign up, enter the name of a book, then find out what other folks who liked that book also liked; a tag cloud for the book leads to other books on this topic. Quite addictive, and I just used it to look at the info. around one book.


by jasonbentley & 4 others
Social bookmarking mashup - browse several social bookmark sites at once

The Best Stuff in the World!

by slogoo & 17 others
世界上最好的东东?分类浏览,Tag浏览,RSS浏览。首先有感觉的是她的创意:发现共享最好的东东,几乎囊括了所有分类!最有感觉的是她的搜索框,很像 !

Riya - Photo Search

by slogoo
Riya图片搜索网站. 杀手级的图片面部记忆和搜索技术!

by slogoo & 6 others
Gada.be最近对URL结构进行了调整, 以让内容更好地倍搜索引擎收录. 这款基于tag的搜索引擎受到了很多人的关注, 很快成了网民进行研究搜索的工具站点, 特别在图片搜索领域!

Jookster - Search, Find, Share

by slogoo & 9 others
Jookster是一个2.0的新颖的搜索引擎, 它优先对有用户经过bookmark的页面进行关键词的分析, 然后将这些页面置于搜索结果的首要位置, 其他一般的搜索结果页面紧随其后. 该服务的核心是, 当你扼/p>

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tagging

2.0 +   3.0 +   aggregator +   ajax +   applications +   blinks +   blog +   blogging +   blogs +   bookmarking +   javascript +   list +   news +   products +   quick +   rss +   search +   social +   software +   tools +   ultimate +   watchlist +   web +   web2.0 +   web20blog +  

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 05/11/2008 11:00

last mark : 28/10/2007 02:12

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last mark : 07/01/2007 21:08

last mark : 04/12/2006 19:28

last mark : 23/11/2006 15:40

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last mark : 09/09/2006 03:31

last mark : 03/09/2006 01:52

last mark : 05/06/2006 15:56