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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tagging & tag

2009 - Webservice that tags your resources

by Xavier Lacot & 5 others is a simple webservice that helps you in tagging textual content on and off the web


We need a tag evolution « Faviki Blog

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
The problem with both keywords and tags is that they are just words. But what would happen if, instead of words, we used objects? What if we used unique concepts that would always and everywhere have the same name and would refer to the specific object?

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
My sfPropelActAsTaggable plugin finally found a fan on the Doctrine side...

sfTagtoolsPlugin - symfony - Trac

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
This plugin provides many additional services above and beyond those standard in the excellent sfPropelActAsTaggablePlugin. This plugin is less mature than sfPropelActAsTaggablePlugin but provides quite a bit of user interface "glue" to flesh it out.

SCOT:Let’s Share Tags! » papers about tag ontologies

by nhoizey
There are many efforts to bridge between social tagging and Semantic Web technologies. Although we focused on representation issues of tagging activities, it might be useful to know current efforts.

MOAT : donner du sens à vos tags | Les petites cases

by nhoizey & 1 other
MOAT permet d'associer à un tag une URI. Une description de la notion du tag encodée en RDF est associée à cette URI. Ainsi, le tag n'est plus seulement une chaîne de caractères, mais possède un véritable sens donné par l'ensemble des triples RDF

by Xavier Lacot
An ontology that describes tags, as used in the popular and Flickr systems, and allows for relationships between tags to be described.


The Tagging Toolbox: 30+ Tagging Tools

by springnet
Tags - for some, one of the best ideas on the web, for others, merely a visual distraction. Yes, we’re talking about those loosely defined categories which are usually organized into cute little clouds. Looking for tag-related resources can be tough, so



by my06 & 1 other
Pages with FreshTags provide navigation (such as hyperlinks) to other content that is likely to be of interest to the reader

Schedule for Tagging Workshop at WWW 2006, Edinbugh

by my06 & 1 other (via)
Collaborative Web Tagging Workshop du 22/05/05, tous les articles sont accessibles en PDF


by my06 & 15 others
Gordon Luk’s Freetag, an Open Source Tagging / Folksonomy module for PHP/MySQL applications

You’re It!

by springnet & 18 others
The Tagging 2.0 panel I organized at South by SouthWest 2006 in March is now a Tagging 2.0 podcast among the many SXSW 2006 podcasts you can download.The Tagging 2.0 panel was one of the “highly-rated panels” this year, tied for first place with a num

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tagging

2.0 +   3.0 +   aggregator +   ajax +   applications +   blinks +   blog +   blogging +   blogs +   bookmarking +   javascript +   list +   news +   products +   quick +   rss +   search +   social +   software +   tools +   ultimate +   watchlist +   web +   web2.0 +   web20blog +  

Active users

last mark : 16/06/2009 18:49

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 08/03/2009 22:46

Jeremy B.
last mark : 17/02/2009 10:14

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last mark : 15/03/2007 13:34

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last mark : 13/10/2006 23:57

last mark : 30/08/2006 20:10

last mark : 30/08/2006 12:13

last mark : 03/07/2006 01:55