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PUBLIC MARKS with tags themes & web





by gregg & 1 other
Keynote themes for interactive prototyping of iPad, iphone and web apps


Word - Ex - Press

by runen
Blog entirely devoted to Wordpress devolpment. Themes, plugins, widgets, hacks


A growing collection of Basic WordPress Templates, for web designers | SAOB: Senseless Acts of Beauty

by camel (via)
After beginning development of several WordPress websites I found that I was doing the same beginning edits to the wordpress theme structure. So, in order to make my life easy, I proceeded to make some basic editable templates that would suit my needs for multiple websites. Also its very close to Christmas, and this is a time of giving and sharing so I am going to make these theme templates available to anyone. NOTE: These theme templates are only meant to be expanded by a web designer, by no means are these templates a finished design. Now then, there are many basic features of any website that I wanted to make available in each of these theme templates, and over time I will try and make a theme template for each combination. Features to be considered: * Single column layout * Two column layout * Three column layout * Fixed width * Fluid width * Top navigation addition * Search bar in header * Multiple side bars

Ten by Twenty ™ | splendid little pixel-based products

by jdrsantos & 2 others
ten by twenty produce splendid little hand-crafted pixel-based products. If you're looking to spruce up your website we may have the just the thing you've been looking for... so take a look around and see if anything tickles your fancy.


Open Source Web Design Templates & Tools | Lifehacker

by springnet
The open source is a great way to implement the newest ideas and latest concepts into design.


by neo76 & 1 other
LE PREMIER RADAR AUTOMATIQUE qui ne vous coûtera rien !! Service gratuit qui vous permettra de générer des captures graphiques de votre site internet, mesurer le temps de chargement et realiser la carte de visite de votre page web.


Thèmes de Blog pour Dotclear 2 - Upian - web producer since 1974

by srcmax & 2 others (via)
8 thèmes de Blog spécialement conçus pour Gandi Blog et DotClear 2 en libre distribution

Active users

last mark : 21/06/2013 15:13

last mark : 03/04/2011 10:47

last mark : 08/08/2010 15:39

last mark : 04/02/2009 08:28

last mark : 02/12/2008 19:56

last mark : 13/10/2007 13:24

last mark : 03/03/2007 01:31

last mark : 23/11/2006 16:03

last mark : 26/10/2006 16:07

last mark : 19/10/2006 16:43