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PUBLIC MARKS with tag time


Ascension Day in the United States

by tadeufilippini
Ascension Day in the United States Ascension Day is observed in the United States on the 40th day of Easter. It commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven, according to the New Testament of the Bible. Jesus statue Ascension Day marks Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven, according to Christian belief. © Cote What Do People Do? Ascension Day is officially celebrated on a Thursday on the 40th day of Easter, or 39 days after Easter Sunday. Some churches in the United States join forces to celebrate a combined Day of Prayer and Ascension Day service, which may include a time for reflection. A few churches also organize a "church crawl", where people travel from one church to another and experience the different prayer events. Other churches may feature combined cathedral choirs that offer a special solemn Eucharist written especially for Ascension Day. A social time usually follows the service. Some Lutheran churches hold a special ceremony where the Paschal candle is extinguished and removed after the reading of the gospel on Ascension Day. Public Life


date-fns - modern JavaScript date utility library

by Spone (via)
date-fns provides the most comprehensive, yet simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser & Node.js. Alternative to Moment.js





Moment.js - A lightweight javascript date library

by Spone
A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates.

iOS Apps: TrafficDito

by alamat (via)
TrafficDito gives you real-time traffic updates from people stuck in it! It's the first social traffic monitoring app that helps you identify trouble spots in Metro Manila through fellow app users and the Twitterverse! This means you get only the most relevant and recent traffic updates from people actually on the road.

Android Apps: Sleepy Time

by alamat (via)
Sleepy Time is a sound machine designed to help you sleep better. Sleepy Time features a sleep timer and continues to run after screen turns off. *Over 65 sounds* from the beach to white noise!

timeago: a jQuery plugin

by srcmax & 5 others
Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago").


The truth about snowflakes : The New Yorker

by jeanruaud
In a way, the passage out from Snowflake Bentley to the new snowflake stories is typical of the way our vision of nature has changed over the past century: Bentley, like Audubon, believed in the one fixed image; we believe in truths revealed over time—not what animals or snowflakes are, but how they have altered to become what they are. The sign in Starbucks should read, “Friends are like snowflakes: more different and more beautiful each time you cross their paths in our common descent.” For the final truth about snowflakes is that they become more individual as they fall—that, buffeted by wind and time, they are translated, as if by magic, into ever more strange and complex patterns, until, at last, like us, they touch earth. Then, like us, they melt.

The philosophical underpinnings of David Foster Wallace's fiction. - By James Ryerson - Slate Magazine

by jeanruaud
When the future novelist David Foster Wallace was about 14 years old, he asked his father, the University of Illinois philosophy professor James D. Wallace, to explain to him what philosophy is, so that when people would ask him exactly what it was that his father did, he could give them an answer. James had the two of them read Plato's Phaedo dialogue together, an experience that turned out to be pivotal in his understanding of his son. "I had never had an undergraduate student who caught on so quickly or who responded with such maturity and sophistication," James recalls. "This was this first time I realized what a phenomenal mind David had."

Frank Chimero - The Two Best Things on the Web 2010

by jeanruaud
Late last week I started drafting a list of my favorite things on the web from this year. After a review of the list, I realized most of it was droll, forgettable, ephemeral, and not really worth documenting in the grand scheme of things. Basically, it mattered at the time of its release, but time had not treated these things well: they were more flow than stock. My top two choices, however, stood tall as perhaps the best stock I’ve had the pleasure of reading on the web, both in terms of their scope, but more interestingly about how they treated their content and audience. There’s a pattern here that I enjoy. I’d like to introduce you to them, and hopefully in the process make a bit of a point about the direction I want the web to take in the next year. I’m optimistic.

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