April 2008
Twitter Friend Adder
by springnetHave you ever wanted more friends on your Twitter account? Now you can. Just enter your Twitter login details below and we'll add 20 random friends to your account.
January 2008
Lijit | Home
by springnet & 9 othersI saw this on Veronica Belmont's blog... it's a custom search for your blog using google, del.icio.us, etc.
December 2007
by springnet & 7 othersantivirus program reviews and comparisons, heard about this from chief twit Leo
October 2007
Web2.0 Template
by springnet & 1 otherturns search results form google, del.icio.us, amazon, yahoo, etc into live running slideshow of websites that are "live" and browsable while the show is running.
(4 marks)