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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ubuntu & geek

2010 ubuntuzilla

by alexnihilo & 1 other
last firefox and thunderbird package for ubuntu


Tools to delete files securely in ubuntu Linux

by rike_
Deleting a file or reformatting a disk does not destroy your sensitive data. The data can easily be undeleted. That’s a good thing if you accidentally throw something away, but what if your trying to destroy financial data, bank account passwords, or classified company information. In this article you will learn number of tools to delete files securely in ubuntu.


Cairo-dock - Premiers pas

by shadoko
#!/bin/sh #we wait 12 seconds so that Beryl gets ready (you may need more or less) sleep 12 # the path of cairo-dock (may be different for you) cairo-dock &

wacom - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by alexnihilo
wacom tablet ds xorg.conf (inclure avant "Synaptics Touchpad" pour conserver scroll du touchpad)


systeme:services - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by alexnihilo & 3 others
désactiver des services inutiles (bluetooth, etc.) ex: sudo update-rc.d -f bluetooth remove réactiver: sudo update-rc.d bluetooth defaults

Ubuntu sur mac, quelques astuces. - Effraie@Blog!

by effraie
Je recense ici mes billets concernant la configuration et l'utilisation de ubuntu sur mon Ibook g4 12" (1.2Ghz). Ces billets devraient convenir également a la plupart des configurations proches.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ubuntu

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