September 2007
September 2006
August 2006
Open System Architect
by remoukOpen System Architect (OSA) is an application used for modelling a system. OSA currently supports data modelling (physical and logical) with UML in the works. The unique thing about OSA is that it is an Open Source product licensed under the General Public License (GPL). The free factor makes OSA particularly interesting for students but OSA is powerful enough to compare favourably with products costing thousands of dollars.
May 2006
Acceleo : générateur MDA - Accueil
by dzcgénérateur de code permettant d'automatiser la traduction de modèles vers différents langages et frameworks. Acceleo suit les normes MDA, est intégré sous Eclipse et se focalise sur la simplicité et sur son intégration dans des vrais projets industriels.
(4 marks)