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PUBLIC MARKS with tag update


🛠 REPARER - Écran bleu de la mort Windows 1809 (BSOD)

by decembre (via)
Microsoft suite à divers bugs de la mise à jour 1809 a déployé le Patch Tuesday avec la mise à jour Windows Update KB4464330. Certains utilisateurs ont eu la surprise de voir un écran bleu de la mort au démarrage du PC avec un message WDF_VIOLATION (Windows Driver Framework). Le fichier HpqKbFiltr.sys ( pilote) semble être la cause. Le PC redémarre alors en boucle après chaque démarrage. Solution Renommer le fichier HpqKbFiltr.sys Appuyer sur la touche Marche / Arrêt lorsque le logo Windows apparaît. Répétez cette opération deux ou trois fois de suite pour obtenir la page configuration Paramètres: Options avancées Choisir Dépannage Invite de commandes Exécuter les commandes suivantes et appuyer sur Entrée clavier après chaque opération: ren C:WindowsSystem32driversHpqKbFiltr.sys HpqKbFiltr.sys_old C étant le nom de votre disque d'installation ; la lettre peut être différente , il faut alors adapter la commande à votre configuration. exit Redémarrer le PC. Windows devrait démarrer normalement. A noter que le trait entre HpqKbFiltr.sys et odl se fait avec la touche 8 rangée du haut du clavier et non pas avec le pavé numérique situé à droite. La commande renomme le pilote dans le dossier des pilotes sur System32 afin qu'il ne soit pas chargé par le système d'exploitation.


Debian updates install media

by alamat & 1 other (via)
The Debian project has published updated installation media for Debian 8 “Jessie”. The new media includes security updates and fixes that have been made available since Debian 8 was first released, but is not a new version of the Debian distribution.


Apple Releases Firmware Update for AirPort Base Station

by alamat & 1 other (via)
Apple released new firmware updates for its Wi-Fi base stations, including the AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme, and AirPort Time Capsule.

The WordPress megahack that wasn’t

by alamat & 1 other (via)
Since 2013, WordPress has been updating itself, which is a good thing.

Apple Releases tvOS 10.0.1

by alamat
Apple has released tvOS 10.0.1 for download. The build number is 14U71.

Mozilla to Ship TLS 1.3 in Firefox 52

by alamat (via)
Mozilla plans to implement the next version of the TLS specification in an upcoming release of its Mozilla browser. TLS 1.3 will be shipped in Firefox 52, which is scheduled for release in March 2017.




Facebook Flash Templates

by Citytourist
Make your Facebook page more interessant using Facebook Flash Templates and Themes. Alle is very easy to handle and to update.

Hostage-Taker Updated Facebook During Armed Standoff

by alamat (via)
While social media has demonstrated its utility in all kinds of unexpected areas, some of the most interesting applications have been discovered by criminals, who use social media to perpetrate elaborate frauds, identify vacation-going burglary subjects, and steal online identities. And it seems like resourceful outlaws are finding new, surprising applications for social media every day. Here’s a good one: social media as a communications platform in armed standoffs.

Skype partner update leads to worm fears

by alamat (via)
Skype has been forced to disable a third-party “update” pushed out to users late last week after it sparked fears the popular VoIP service was propagating a worm.

Microsoft Office

by 84GHz
Mac Downloads and Updates | Office For Mac


/usr/bin/cal changelog

by sylvainulg (via)
since the upgrade to lucid lynx, my computer throws "cal: option requires an argument -- 'm'" at me when I invoke "cal -m" to specify I'd love to have the week starting on monday. ""Proper" honoring of LC_TIME mixing it with command line options" says the changelog. I spot that those LC_* settings are actually pointing the library towards a data chunk located in /usr/lib/locale/<language setting, e.g. en_DK.utf8>/<subset, e.g. LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY, etc.>


Mozilla Developer News » Blog Archive » Firefox 3 about to get a major update

by srcmax (via)

Starting a little later tonight, users with the latest version of Firefox 3 will be getting an offer to update to Firefox 3.5. If you’re running Firefox 3.0.13 you will see the offer in the next couple of days, though if you’re eager you can always “Check for Updates” in the “Help” menu.

AppFresh |

by simon_bricolo & 6 others
For checking for updates for all my mac apps (via @lejoe)

7.2R fois plus de rouge sur ton Ă©cran ! | Anapivirtua's Blog

by nicolargo
La version 7.2 de FreeBSD est bien lĂ , Ă  vos updates...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag update

apt +   apt-get +   blog +   cron +   crontab +   debian +   install +   linux +   media +   upgrade +  

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