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PUBLIC MARKS with tag vanomuradeli888

04 July 2016

17 June 2016


by apscisa (via)
CHESS is a unique mind game with strategies to win between two players. We can say that this is the game for genius and no one would differ from this view. And playing chess with a Chess clock is further more enjoyable and challenging as well. We can use various types of game clock for the purpose. But what if we can have all game style in one electronic chess clock? Won't it be really really wonderful? That is what this project deals with... A chess clock with multiple game modes, designed using single microcontroller Atmega32A and single 16x2 LCD basically. It has many game modes such as blitz mode of 3 minute game with 2 seconds increment for each move, 5 minute game with 3 seconds increment for each move, 45 minutes game mode, custom game mode with common time and increment for the players, custom game mode with different time and increment for the players, custom hourglass mode. Programmed in C programming through Atmel Studio platform and tested on Proteus platform. If anyone's interested in this project and requires help, program code, simulation files, etc. feel free to mail me at [email protected] with the title as subject line.

23 May 2016

X-Men Apocalypse

by apscisa
Official Bryan Singer started the contemporary surge of superhero motion pictures with 2000’s “X-Men,” and made a recognized come back to the strategy only two years prior with the time-ricocheting “Days of Future Past"

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last mark : 04/07/2016 02:00