March 2007
January 2007
June 2006
May 2006
Redeye VC: Thoughts on Swap 2.0
by vistaIt seems that with the emergence of Web 2.0 we now have a rush of companies looking to take up where the others left off. Over the last few months we’ve seen the emergence of Lala, Zunafish, Barterbee along with Further support for Om's argument that Web 2.0 is Web 1.0 all over again. In fact, last week’s New York Times article on Zunafish looks remarkably similar to the one they ran almost six years earlier.
December 2005
互联网周刊:网络精英约会VC Web2.0会怎样
by vista乐观的人好像看到了互联网的又一个春天,那些如雨后春笋般横空出世的互联网新贵们,用一个个财富神话给出了事实依据;悲观的人好像看到了互联网的又一个泡沫,那些神话故事的主角们似乎总也逃不开资本的追逐和被追逐;鼓噪的人好像看到了互联网的又一波机会大潮,他们步调一致地迅速站到Web2.0的大旗之下,丝毫不管Web2.0这一概念到底在宣讲些什么。
October 2005
(8 marks)